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View Full Version : Licence Issue & Applying for Jobs

Just another student
4th Nov 2005, 12:47
Just a simple question really.I completed my CPL/Multi IR back in September and my MCC late last month.I have only just been able to send my log book off etc to get my CPL issued.

Would it be foolish of me to start filling in applications and sending off CV's etc even though I do not have the blue book in my hand? My feeling is yes and that I should hold fire until the CAA have issued it.

My worry is, a miracle happens and I get called for interview, but I still dont have the licence.It would not be professional and could hinder chances of another interview elsewhere.

Any thoughts?


4th Nov 2005, 12:57
I was invited for 3 interviews last year and each time I was given no more than a day or two's notice. They will expect to see your licence at interview, it's probably better to wait. Besides, unless you're very, very lucky, the chances of getting an imediate interview are slim but good luck and happy hunting.

Just another student
4th Nov 2005, 13:07
I know that things in Aviation, (when it comes to interviews etc) can happen over night.

Im realistic, I have 270 TT (inc sim hours) and I know interviews are not going to drop out of the sky.

However there are empty seats up there and someone has to fill them.I would look stupid if by chance I did end up being offered an interview :)

Its just horrible at the minute because Im not even putting my name into the lottery bag, but I guess I just have to hang on a while longer.

Thanks for the advice.

4th Nov 2005, 13:30
I would go ahead and do it. You're right, the chances of being called straight away are slim, but at least you're getting CV's out, and more importantly maintaining your morale by doing something. You should have the book in a week or two barring any complications. If you are lucky enough to be called I'm sure an explanation about how you are so keen to work for xyz that you just had to apply asap, will cover a few days. You know what your licence number will be anyway for any paperwork.

4th Nov 2005, 13:51
I started applying as soon as I had completed my MCC and got called for an interview while my paperwork was down at Gatwick getting processed. Had to make a special trip down to CAA headquarters to pick up my blue book the night before my interview. Bit stressful as it was my first interview and didn't want the bad impression of turning up without my licence, but the people at the CAA were very understanding and fast tracked my application a bit to ensure it was ready in time.

I would find out when the latest you should get your licence issued is and start applying around then. Its only a couple more weeks to wait, which isn't that long in the grand scheme of things.


Just another student
4th Nov 2005, 14:00
The other problem is I have sent them a Cheque which will take the normal 5 days etc to clear which will delay things :(

I'm guessing that they will have my log book etc by MON/TUES (its with my FTO at the minute) and it will take at least 1 1/2 to 2 weeks for them to process the application.

Im trying to find a job in ops or anything at the minute aswell.Its getting frustrating, no suitable positions at airports near me are showing up.


5th Nov 2005, 10:01
My blue book took 4 weeks to be issued. I waited until I got it before applying but I wish I hadn't. Its a time consuming business job hunting / networking and I should have started it sooner.

5th Nov 2005, 18:47
Agree with Dude. Start right away and as Silver knapper has said you know your licence no. alraedy. If you are called to interview before you receive the licence a quick call from the company to the CAA will confirm that you have submitted the paperwork and awaiting licence issue.
Good luck!

Pilot Pete
5th Nov 2005, 19:23
If you don't apply, you DEFINITELY won't get the job.

If you apply, get interviewed and explain that your licence has been applied for, then it would be a strange move for a potential employer to turn you down. As mentioned they can easily phone the CAA and probably get things speeded up for you if a job hinges on licence issue.


Just another student
6th Nov 2005, 14:15
Thanks for the replies.I fully appreciate that if my name is not in the hat, I won't be getting a job.I just wanted to hear from people, more experienced than I, as to what their feelings / advice would be on this matter.

I am currently going through the Loganair application Form.They would like to know the date I gained the F-Atpl and the expiry, should I just put the date of my last Flight Test (my IR?)


6th Nov 2005, 14:51
Just my 2 cents: it took years to some people to get a decent job, you're talking about days...
Take it easy and wait these few hours. You might as well have some long wait ahead of you, so my humble tip is: save that energy for the times to come. Hurry has never been a valuable advisor, ever ;)

Cheers & good luck :ok:

6th Nov 2005, 15:20
Just another student,

Ticky one regarding Loganair application. If the question asks for date of issue of licence then putting the date of your IR test isn't really right. As far as on line applications go I think you have to wait until you have your licence in your hand. Meanwhile there is plent more you can be getting on with...

Just another student
6th Nov 2005, 18:15
Gufo I know it could take years, I'm not one of those I better be flying a 737 by tomorrow or i've had enough kind of people :D
I was simply unsure as to whether it would be a good idea to apply for jobs now. After all you never know what can happen, I might just get extremely lucky. I didn't want to be too enthusiastic and send off CV's and letters without having that CPL in my flight bag.

Anyways i'm off to write letters, stick stamps on envelopes and start the real hard work.

Cheers :D

7th Nov 2005, 19:50
Way to go, mate :ok:

Anyway, my opinion is still to wait for your licence to fall in your hands. And then, nail them!! :p


7th Nov 2005, 19:55
I've started applying two weeks before I finished my IR; blue book took an additional 3 weeks to arrive, still no sign of an interview.

Apply ASAP, worst case, say the license is being processed, they are already aware you have just finished your training, what harm can being ahead of the game be??

Good luck

Just another student
7th Nov 2005, 21:39
Cheers Guys and Gals.

I sent off two C.V's with cover letters today.I'm trying to individually tailor the letter to the airline concerned, which isn't easy :)

Tomorrow I have got to try and up the tempo a bit, get plenty more off and do the same thing every month I guess.

Good luck to all those in the same boat.


9th Nov 2005, 06:04
That's absoutely vital no matter who you are applying to - tailor the cover letter to each and every employer.
Recruiters know what a form letter reads like, and it never attracts good attention.

24th Sep 2006, 10:14
Dear All

I have recently completed an integrated training course. I have a CPL/IR/MCC qualification.

I do not hold the blue piece of paper in my hand so can I now apply to airlines via their websites etc. or do I have to wait until I have actually received my licence.

Thank skys

24th Sep 2006, 19:37
you can apply of course, and if they ask you more info, just say your paperworks are in the hand of the CAA...this is why you paid for?(anyway,a license in hand is not a requirement to look for a job)

after 2 years and over 1500hours TT, I am still looking.
so good luck to you, what you did before, was easy! now you have to do the hardest part...getting a flying job:ok: .

future captain
24th Sep 2006, 19:50
Abit confused, may just be me, have you just graudated from intergrated course, in your previous post it says:

Have an interview with BA and TC coming up, flown for EJ for 6 years, is there anyone out there who can shed some light on what life is like at TC?

Thanks in advance!


28th Jan 2007, 22:47
Hi there!
Have been searching through the threads and haven't been able to get an answer to this so sorry if it has been asked already. I'm about to start my CPL/ME/IR in the next few weeks and should be finished (hopefully!) in a few months time. At this point, I would like to begin contacting airlines with regard to potential jobs as it seems to me too late to be starting once I have my fATPL.
However, that's when all the questions start... should I simply attach a cover letter to my CV (showing my current qualifications and my future training plans) and send it to companies so that they can keep it on file?... should I email the documents or use the post? Also, many companies seem to use the online app process now, but if I don't have all the necessary qualifications at the moment, would entering my details now cause a problem?
You'll appreciate that at the moment, I'm keen to do everything to boost my chances, but am also aware that I could damage them. It would be great to get some advice from people who have already been through this, or get some info on what people have done themselves. Maybe someone knows of a good "get a pilot job" preparation book? Any help would be appreciated!
Cheers guys :ok:

28th Jan 2007, 22:53
I really wouldn't bother until you have your licence (or at the very least passed both CPL and IR). The airlines have hundreds of applicants every week and most of these are binned. There is no point contacting an airline until you are qualified and available. Not one will offer you a job based on your word that you're a great pilot. Concentrate on the flying for now and worry about the job once you have your licence in your sticky mitt. Good luck.

29th Jan 2007, 08:15
UK Jobs Market and How to Find that First Job (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=216077)

The Best CVs or Resumes (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65343&highlight=CVs)

Archive Reference Threads -READ BEFORE YOU POST! (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=251490)
