View Full Version : Pprune Moderator

23rd Sep 2006, 12:31

Whoever you are,thank you for acting quickly.It is great to see that you actually do moderate this forum in a manner that recognises free speech,but knows when to pull the plug.
Thank you.

B Sousa
23rd Sep 2006, 14:13
Probably much nicer when you and Afri can get your two cents in and others dont get a chance to respond.

George Tower
23rd Sep 2006, 21:17
And this week's award for brown-nose post of the week goes to AVSEC:D

24th Sep 2006, 07:46
All the threads are monitored for content. The subject under discussion is rarely of any concern, although inevitably there are certain topics that experience suggests will effectively "checkmate" themselves within a short number of posts. If on the other hand an otherwise highly contentious subject remains within the bounds of acceptability to the sites owners, then it is usually undisturbed.

This forum has traditionally been given a degree of latitude however it is still governed within the forum / site rules overall. I have no idea who anybody is, nor do I generally have any personal involvement or interest in many of the subjects up for discussion. As such I would hope that the application of any moderation is even handed and unweighted. It is ineveitable that such a perception may be open to counter arguement by those who are affected but thats the way it is.

When a complaint is levelled at a particular thread or post, or indeed when a request for thread closure is made, the subject is carefully reviewed but only actioned if it is felt that the sites rules are being compromised. In such a situation the previously mentioned "latitude" may be constrained slightly, but if it is felt the thread/post needs no action then it is left in situ.

On a final note, it is not always obvious when to "pull the plug", nor is it necessarily desirable to take that course of action. Generally an attempt will be made to keep a thread going by judicious editing. The threads represent your views and opinions and occaisionally they can become heated and in turn unconstrained to a degree that oversteps the bounds of what the site owners find acceptable. If there is any reasonable doubt concerning a particular post it is moved for the administrators further consideration and judgement.

25th Sep 2006, 15:54
What i respect is the fact that prior warning/notice was given,and a trend was quickly recognised.Just wish the United Nations could act in a similar way when we have horrible crimes committed against humanity e.g.Darfur.

Any way keep it up.I definitely am a fan,brown nosed **** or not.:D :D :D :D :D :D :ok: :ok: :E

B Sousa
25th Sep 2006, 23:45
"Just wish the United Nations could act in a similar way"
If you took a real serious look, you may just find they are part of the problem.. Personally I hope Chavez and Castro get their way, the UN leaves the U.S. and we quit funding the money drain. You guys pay for your own problems, we have enough of our own...