View Full Version : Test Post, with a good reason

23rd Sep 2006, 06:57
I have attempted to make several posts, but as a new boy, I am being censored. I suspect.

It is impossible to edit a new post. (see below).

I have not yet scene my posts in print, they can not all have been censored. Can they.

How long is the delay before newboys posts are actually, reviewed, or is it a method of censoring input.

So here goes.


23rd Sep 2006, 11:30
Your first five posts need to be approved by a moderator - wow, this is increasing my workload significantly but it's become necessary due to an increase in the number of spammers registering on this site to flog their Ipod or other such wares.


23rd Sep 2006, 17:07
Not trying to give you more work, just less fun time in Nice......