View Full Version : G-550 Captain Pay USA

18th Sep 2006, 10:23
I have been out of the loop for quite a while. Offered a position which seems very low. Any input greatly appreciated.

19th Sep 2006, 04:58
Hi Jubonomore,

I am working on a owner 550 (right now part91 only) but used to do several years on 135 operations all over the world on GV earlier and then 550.

you should be able to pull around a 160k to 180k plus benefits out of your boss. The company i worked before my current employment payed me 180k puls 10% retirment funds (that was out of the europe) and right now I am about in the same salary scheme and have quite nice benefits for my family and myself. you should know that at the time there a not many 550 drivers on the market who bring a lot of experience with them. so i don't be shy and ask for what you need.

Freelance fees are around 1500 to 2500 US a day. Also something to consider and I sometimes take this opportunity as well.

Good luck and if you require more infos send me a pm