View Full Version : Tornados over Chelmsford

17th Sep 2006, 11:38

So there I was, mowing the lawn at about ten past twelve, when suddenly the silth-like purr of the mower is drowned out by the acoustic signature of four Noisy Objects thundering overhead in a general "oveflying the mall" sort of direction.

Must admit my recognition wasn't even good enough to tell the type. Why Chelmsford, though? Must be prettier places to overfly.


17th Sep 2006, 12:04
Chelmsford's Battle of Britain parade and service, I would imagine. I believe my father's taking the salute! They may also have been en-route to other BoB services that are a bit late ike Chelmsford's.

17th Sep 2006, 14:52
Didn't think Chelmsford would justify a flypast - let alone 9 Tonkas - but the old man still has some influence occasionally!

17th Sep 2006, 15:48
I think that Chelmsford might well be on the target list for "in country muslim insurrection". The guys were just probably practising. Don't worry - unless you live very, very close.:E

Lone Kestrel
17th Sep 2006, 15:59
9 or was it 4?

17th Sep 2006, 17:55

Four, in a diamond formation. I was surprised that we'd rate any kind of display, but I suspect if so, they'd have probably done one flight and dodged around every piddling little market town in the area.

We do see anything that's going up the Mall for a big display, and they appeared to be heading in roughly the same direction in roughly the right position, but then I'd have expected to see more.

I'd have thought they'd have missed any "event" locations in Chelmsford from where they were.


17th Sep 2006, 18:00
Standard BofB (or any London flypast) - routeing in via North of Souffffend to Fairlop and then back north via BPK.

Only four planned for today.