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View Full Version : I didn't know that you could do that!

14th Sep 2006, 11:06
Hey there

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, I'm not a helo pilot, but I stumbled across this on youtube and thought you chaps may appreciate this.

Fantastic flying, not sure if I'd like to be on board though!


Cheers Ant

Big Bucks Bernie
14th Sep 2006, 11:23
Here are some of the PPRuNe threads about the BO-105's aerobatic capabilities:

http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=169597&pp=15 (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=169597&pp=15)
http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=242427 (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=242427)
http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=235061 (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=235061)

And here is a summary of the most well known videos showing its agility:

http://www.verticalreference.com/helicopterforum/uploads/1146151037/gallery_583_11_2796936.wmv (http://www.verticalreference.com/helicopterforum/uploads/1146151037/gallery_583_11_2796936.wmv)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1666163808985000437 (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1666163808985000437)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sqtFOQ8acs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sqtFOQ8acs)

14th Sep 2006, 12:16
Its pretty incredable!

I think the S A police used to use this type, I remember it was painted yellow and blue and was always buzzing about the suburbs of Johannesburg at about 80ft!
That video is the kind of thing my dad would look at and say: "thats just wrong!":}

Big Bucks Bernie
14th Sep 2006, 13:44
The SAPS still has them (albeit in white and blue nowadays), and yup, they definitely do tend to fly them at very low level and extremely high speed, especially in and around the Jo'burg area. I guess, it helps introduce an element of surprise - By the time you hear them coming, they're usually about three to four seconds away from passing overhead and another five seconds later, all peace and calm will have returned to the neighbourhood. Absolutely awesome sound though, IMHO.


Unfortunately, the SAPS is buying more and more AS-350s, so I take it, the BO-105s eventually will end up being phased out.

14th Sep 2006, 15:16
To be honest, I'm suprised the SAPS has any servicable aircraft left at all, they must be getting some private funding (actually a whole lot!)
they definately need 'em though, never a dull moment back there, more often than not they don't respond to call outs because they don't have any money for petrol to put in their vehicles!:rolleyes:

Nice shot of her in action by the way!:ok:

Big Bucks Bernie
17th Sep 2006, 12:53
Here is a much higher quality version of the first of the three videos which I listed above. Just came across it on a very popular German helicopter forum.

http://www.fffgrupe.de/menu/tiger_1.wmv (http://www.fffgrupe.de/menu/tiger_1.wmv)

Big Bucks Bernie
21st Sep 2006, 07:38
Here is another video of a BO-105P (PAH-1) in action:


21st Sep 2006, 12:48
SAPS have several new AS350's as well as the Bo105s. Also operate the Hughes 500 and have one or two BK117s in Joburg. Petrol (or JET A1) plentiful but maintenance is an issue. It can take several months for an MPI for a SAPS machine while privately owned ones are done in days..... allegedly.