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12th Sep 2006, 07:37
SNCO ic the BoB service on Sunday asked me today whether there is any specific flower we should use for wreaths for the service. I have to confess, such a specific thought hadn't crossed my mind. I don't think we'd use poppies, but I could be wrong...

Any advice would be welcome.


12th Sep 2006, 07:42
I would suggest a mix of, or a selection from, those incorporated in the Battle of Britain Lace Curtain (http://www.awm.gov.au/Encyclopedia/battle_of_britain/lace_key.htm)

12th Sep 2006, 07:56
Good idea. Arum lillies and roses would seem appropriate.

12th Sep 2006, 08:43
Ask the Navy, since they won it. :O

12th Sep 2006, 08:52
Military aircrew discussing flowers? Jeez, whatever next.

Is this the influence of the PC-EO nanny state brigade?

12th Sep 2006, 08:58
Or ask Hollywood. I believe that they will be winning it next.

Agree with BEagle, so get some manly flowers.

12th Sep 2006, 09:09
Someone suggested using national flowers - English rose, Scottish thistle, New Zealand fern, Canadian maple leaves, etc. I can't work out where to get daffodils or how to put a leek into a wreath, though... :p

12th Sep 2006, 09:29
How about some red, white and blue roses? That was from Mrs AA, a keen gardener and arranger of flowers. Florists may need a bit of notice for blue roses, but they do exist, I am assured.

12th Sep 2006, 10:23
I believe the hollywood battle of britain film went down the tubes with Tom Cruises contract :ooh:

12th Sep 2006, 10:26
Consider the Lilly

12th Sep 2006, 10:31
"Ask the Navy, since they won it."

Best you go with a wide selection of Pansies then:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alochol induced

12th Sep 2006, 10:55
"Ask the Navy, since they won it."
Best you go with a wide selection of Pansies then:p
all spelling mistakes are "df" alochol induced

They'd know a lot more about flower arranging too. :E

12th Sep 2006, 10:55

microlight AV8R
12th Sep 2006, 11:32
I believe the hollywood battle of britain film went down the tubes with Tom Cruises contract :ooh:

Thank God for that small mercy !

12th Sep 2006, 11:34
Per Ardua Aspidistras?

Matt Skrossa
12th Sep 2006, 13:40
Seeing as though a lot of BoB airfields were in Kent (Gravesend, West Malling, Manston, Hawkinge, Biggin Hill etc etc) , it's the time of the hop harvest and like most aircrew the brave BoB pilots enjoyed a beer or two why not have a wreath of hop flowers?