View Full Version : whats your study environment?

7th Sep 2006, 21:18
silly question....but here i go......

i am hardly having time due to my girlfriend's sudden depression attack (mostly thanks to me, she says) so i have stopped going to my flight school for about a week. this has hampered my study flow and i dont know how i should study at home.

i must confess, i am not good studying at home.

how do you guys go on about studying? a mug of coffee with the pc turned off? suggestions? :confused:

hope someone can come up with some good tips about some studying environment :ugh:


Enema Bandit's Dad
7th Sep 2006, 21:21
Get rid of the girlfriend for a start.

7th Sep 2006, 21:26
hahah...i must say i tried but kicking them out of the picture is proving tougher than i thought at first...

7th Sep 2006, 22:18
Get rid of the girlfriend for a start.

Totally agree! Studying for exams are tough enough. ditch her!!
Don't study at home.... too many distractions. I can't remember how many times, doing the vacuuming and dishes were more attractive to me than study.

i am hardly having time due to my girlfriend's sudden depression attack (mostly thanks to me, she says) so i have stopped going to my flight school for about a week.

What did you (supposedly) do? Sounds like she is being a little precious and maybe a little jealous. Flying takes up alot of time and will be your no#1 passion and focus... as it should be!!

good luck.

7th Sep 2006, 22:35
Get rid of the girlfriend immediately or you will fail your exams for sure.

Her "blaming" her problems on you is a major giveaway of a manipulative and conniving personality that I can assure you from personal experience will not get better with age. My guess is that she is secretly jealous of your potential career. It is worth almost any immediate short term pain to get rid of her, quickly, or you will have this millstone around your neck for life.

To put it another way, you will never be able to please this person, no matter what you do, no matter how much money you make. Everything will always be "your fault" even when it isn't.

Translation: Ditch the Bitch, and do it quickly. There is no future with that one.

P.S. It took me 25 years, $$$ and one divorce to work this out!:{

Hugh Jarse
7th Sep 2006, 22:48
There's 2 sides to every argument:cool:

Some typical generation 'Y' responses here: "It's all about ME".:yuk:

Richie, you can always try the local library to study.

Pluto's gone
7th Sep 2006, 23:23
The real Richie-Rich wouldn't have had these problems.

Hugh Jarse
7th Sep 2006, 23:44
Yeah, he could pay someone to study for him :8

Richie, I don't know where you're at with your training. Everyone has a method that works for them. I have a room set aside for study, but it seems to work out that I end up in the kitchen with books strewn all over the table. That pisses Mrs. Jarse off no end:} , but I find it difficult to isolate myself from the family. They know when I've got a check coming up, and tend not to hassle me too much beforehand.

I keep a copy of the relevant syllabus handy, and tend to run through one topic per hour. I move on, even if not finished because I end up getting bogged down otherwise. I come back to unfinished items later the same day. Always the same day.

Then I need something to make me sleep;) A quick look back at the syllabus to check that I've covered what I needed to do, followed by revision of one or more of the days topics works for me. I spend about 30 mins on that. Then I flag anything I missed for tomorrow's session. That's an excellent cure for insomnia.:rolleyes:

The next day I spend the first hour tidying up the previous days work, and a little more (but not too much) revision. Just the key stuff.

BTW I was serious about studying at the local library. Leave your phone off and you'll have no interruptions:E

As for the relationship thing, if you are planning to make a career of this, then you're going to have to learn to compromise with your partner, because the need to set aside time to study will continue throughout your career. If you're mature enough to work through your issues then you can come to an understanding with your partner. The world doesn't revolve around flying. Trust me. You'll work it out one day:) just like most of us do...

Good luck with the study:ok:

7th Sep 2006, 23:58
for a start, try to enjoy what you are studying.. don't just study coz you have to pass an exam.
Read about a cloud formation, and then go outside and try to find it, read about Vmcg, and think about what it is.. did the Wright's know about this and did it almost kill them.... have a good working knowledge of stuff in the technical (hands on) side of things, rather than just an academic knowledge.

Just trying to throw some perspective on the whole thing. Don't put the rest of your life on hold because of aviation. It is a sh!t of an industry to sell your soul to. In 20 years time you might have your 4 bars on a shiny jet, but where will the rest of your life be..........

7th Sep 2006, 23:59
Yeah, get rid of the GF, will sort things out bigtime!


Enema Bandit's Dad
8th Sep 2006, 00:00
As I and everyone else advised you, ditch her. Some of them are bad news. The Enema Bandit ended up in all sorts of strife because his ex ended up having to have a bowel reconstruction and tried to sue HIM for it! He went to a solicitor and the solicitor was one of those feminist types and didn't want to know about it, the next solicitor was a Catholic and it was "against her religious beliefs to take on a case like that" and third time lucky, after the solicitor stopped laughing as "that's the funniest case I've ever been approached to act on" (where's the professionalism?) he took it on and was very good. He said she wouldn't win in court as it takes two to tango and in the end she went away but it still cost over $3,000 in legal fee's. So as Sunfish said, ditch the bitch!

8th Sep 2006, 00:49
Yep, notch another one up for "getting rid of gf".

I had a similar experience to you when i first starter my early training. Had been with gf for 6 months before started the flying lessons as well as work and uni. Ended up having no time for anything else than the above three. GF got sick of it and 6 months later said either the flying or she goes- one or the other. Needless to say I went on to get my CPL! :}

Lots more fish in the sea out there for a later date.

oh btw with study environment. I found getting a comfy chair at a desk near a window (with lots of light) at home in a quiet room with the door closed worked well for me. If I was studying something that didn't require a HUGE amount of concentration (ie AGK) then i would have some quiet music on in the background too. If you are really having trouble, then I have been told to get up and physically do something every 30mins- even as little as walking around your house to get a drink or some food. Just don't get too side tracked as the 5min walk will become a half-day trip!!

psycho joe
8th Sep 2006, 00:51
hahah...i must say i tried but kicking them out of the picture is proving tougher than i thought at first...

THEM?? How many are there? Do they know about each other? Can't get rid of them!

Firstly, If you can afford more than one then youv'e got no business being a pilot. :}

Secondly, forget flying. I'd consider starting your own polygamous cult and never look back. :E :E :E

8th Sep 2006, 07:12
Hugh Jarse,

Some typical generation 'Y' responses here: "It's all about ME".

I'm tickled pink you think I might be a generation Y person.

I think I'm probably a generation "F", or perhaps "G" person.

We were taught to stand up for Ladies in trains, trams, and buses. We deferred to our elders. We didn't eat in the street. We were told London was the centre of the universe. And the english gentleman's word was his bond. It was all about Queen and country, it most definitely wasn't about us.

On the basis of 25 years marriage, I can say that if a female is whining about you causing her depression at the ripe old age of 24, that things are going to get much much worse, not better, as time marches on and gravity starts affecting her no doubt ample charms.

Richy's GF is trying to wind him around her little finger and sabotage his career because by definition its going to take him away from her and off in the directions of exotic places and into the orbit of exotic females:} Or so she thinks.

Don't be a masochist Richy, get rid of her. It will only get worse.

8th Sep 2006, 07:30
thank you everyone for chipping in with your thoughts. i just got up from sleep after studying the whole night (my first night at my own room in two weeks and first proper sleep, must i say!).

psycho joe apologies....7am in the morning does silly typos to you. while i would love to just ditch her like that, i would feel it would be really selfish of me to tell her to bug off after two years of relationship. i am, however, giving her constant advise to move to melbourne/sydney in a good way (so that she can leave me alone ) .

i think the local library sounds like a good option....i would call them up and find out about the hours of operation etc....

only now do i realize that girls are not worth the worry...b!tches made in hell, they are.

Take care all

Chimbu chuckles
8th Sep 2006, 08:47
Agree with sunfish...if she is carrying on like this at 24 it is the sign of an extremely insecure young lady who is extremely jealous of absolutely anything which distracts your undivided attention from her...give the silly girl her marching orders before she gets a ring on your finger and ruins the rest of your life...as to working ladies...once you get it straight in your head that you're not paying them for sex, but to leave after sex life gets a lot simpler:} :E :ok:

There are plenty of lovely ladies out there who aren't psycotic lympets...apparently...get your career of the starting blocks and see what falls at your feet in a few years.

Hugh Jarse
8th Sep 2006, 09:38
Laughing my arse off, Sunfish:} I had you picked years ago for a Baby Boomer or maybe pre-BB, you old fart.;) :E

**Ducks and runs**

9th Sep 2006, 02:04
I must admit the decision may be a difficult one, i know of 2 friends in the industry who have the same problem and cant seem to decide what comes first and we have tried to help them... :ugh:

At least explain to her that she needs to let you do what you need to do to fulfill YOUR dream and "not drag you down" (dont say that last part though!)

If she cant/doesnt or wont understand... :mad: Ditch the Bitch:ok:

And about the study environment, definately private, well lit and best if its void of distractions as i know i look for them:zzz:. Library sounds good, i never thought of that before!

Have fun and good luck with your decision:}