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View Full Version : AOL problems - so what's new?

Cornish Jack
6th Sep 2006, 19:16
Have used AOL ever since first going on-line aeons ago (I know, I know!!)
I converted to Broadband and it is very much 'Curate's egg'. I have a BT Voyager 105 dsl modem and it installed ok initially. Recently, logging on became a real pain - I would have to re-install the driver files before each initial log-on. This eventually failed altogether on my desktop machine but when I transferred the usb lead to my laptop -(this one), it logged on instantly and continued to do so.
As part of the process of 'healing' on the desktop machine, I downloaded a driver update for the Voyager and, (with thumb in bum and brain in neutral), installed it on both lappie and D/T.:sad:
As part of its installation, it uninstalled the original drivers and the result was total failure to re-install. I have, obviously, managed to recover the original drivers for the lappie and tried to do so on the D/T but it still produces error messages on initial setup and fails to recognise the modem. swap the same lead to this machine and 'Robert's your Father's brother'.
I have found an on-line tech site with a report, from a much more accomplished technophile than me, listing the same problem. So far he has had no answers.
Would any of our resident experts care to hazard a guess, or two, as to cause and/or solution, please?

6th Sep 2006, 19:41
No expert, but 'blooded' by AOL in the past:) . Have you tried removing AOL from the dt and reinstalling from the CD? I don't know how 'au fait' you are with the registry:eek: but I found it best to 'search and destroy' all references there to AOL after 'removing' AOL the Windows way.

6th Sep 2006, 20:15
the bt modem still gives lots of problems, ive forgotten how many duff ones ive seen/replaced.

next is to format and do a clean install of the desktop hdd. and make sure you have removed the old internal modem if still fitted.

you dont have to use the AOL SW. i dont. i use a modem/router (aol login is on the router settings) and google is my homepage. i never ever see AOL. ive no idea if theres any email for me, cause i never check.

Cornish Jack
7th Sep 2006, 18:07
Thank you, both.
Boac, have uninstalled/reinstalled but didn't do the registry trawl - used to have a little prog which did that for me but have since mislaid it. Will give that a whirl.
ormus55, unfortunately, don't have a router- might have to invest. Don't see it as a modem problem though, since it works perfectly on this laptop.
Onwards and downwards:ugh:

7th Sep 2006, 18:56
CJ - it is a well-known 'fact' that AOL is extremely difficult to 'remove' from your machine - that is why I offer a registry 'clean' as a good idea.

7th Sep 2006, 19:46
ya need to pick an aol cd containing the pppoe drivers, on most new aol 9 cds in browse the cd and you will see a drivers folder and then a voyager 105 folder you have a file called doctor 105 run this with the usb cable disconnected, this will look through the computer and remove all driver for the voyager 105, next all you have to do is run the setup file which will install the drivers correctly, if ya need any more help pm me!

Cornish Jack
9th Sep 2006, 11:04
BOAC and EI-WAT many thanks.
BOAC, I think I've found the registry cleaning prog so will try a bit of hacking.
EI-WAT, that sounds just like the sequence I was talked through to sort out the laptop after the disastrous driver update. I tried something similar on the D/T but no joy. Will try the registry clean, then an XP non-destructive re-install and then your sequence and see if that can sort things. Will advise when done.

9th Sep 2006, 11:06
Good luck! I would personally hold back on the XP re-install until you have tried the 'deep clean' and it has not worked after AOL is put back on. You never know:)