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View Full Version : Hearing Loss

5th Sep 2006, 01:20
Has anyone here ever failed a medical exam due to hearing loss? if so, how bad is your hearing loss, and what did you do about this problem. Im 16 years old and was born with a slight hearing loss in my right ear. At this day and age its not that noticable,(only if i plug my ears on at a time and compare the differences) but who knows what lies ahead in future. wondering if this will be a possible setback. thanks in advance.

7th Sep 2006, 21:33
My Class One was a few years back now but I remember them testing hearing in both ears separately. However if its not that noticeable you may still reach the minimum hearing requirements even with a slight loss. A friend of mine got his Class Two but failed the Gatwick medical because his hearing wasn't good enough in one ear due to an accident he'd had as a child....his was quite noticeable though.

Have you tried calling the CAA? They could give you an idea as to what the hearing requirements are but until you go for your Class One and get yourself tested you won't really know. Doctors can refer you for a hearing test too (I had one years ago when I had sinus trouble) and its the same test as the one at Gatwick...might be worth doing that before shelling out for the Class One.

Good luck

Just a quick edit as I've realised youre in Canada...should be the same for you over there though.