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View Full Version : Samba and SuSE Linux 10.x

Mac the Knife
27th Aug 2006, 13:12
Getting Samba (sharing files with Windows boxen on the same network) to work out of the box is now far easier than it's ever been.

It still needs minor tweaking though - are you listening Novell/SuSE?

Getting Samba working through the firewall (SuSEfirewall2) is another matter! Luckily Tweakhound has written a brilliant walkthrough at http://www.tweakhound.com/linux/samba/page_1.htm

Various edits to sysconfig and so on but he makes it VERY easy!

Tweakhound's is an interesting site BTW - mostly Windows orientated, he has some superb tutorial on how best to insall XP, security in XP, tweaking XP and so on that are some of the best I've ever read.
