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18th Aug 2006, 15:35
Looking for any first hand input on working in Nigeria. Any info. appreciated.


18th Aug 2006, 15:53
Check out the what's new in west Africa thread
Will give you a good idea what to expect and if you have any other specific questions post them there.

18th Aug 2006, 21:29
...YIKES!! Back to the Arctic for this boy.

19th Aug 2006, 08:52
Best Advice about working in Nigeria............DON'T!!!:}

20th Aug 2006, 04:30
What about Angola?

20th Aug 2006, 08:33
Having worked in different places in Africa my best advise is to get all the info about it from as many different sources you can (Google it as well as ask on these forums).
Depending on your personal circumstances then make the decision if what you will be getting out of it (i.e. twin type rating, command, money) will be worth it against the risk that will be always a factor with working in Africa (i.e. security, health risks).
It is only you that can make this decision and if you decide to work there go with an open and positive mind, use common sense and be streetwise (something you now also need in most Western city’s).
Good luck with your endeavours, whatever you decide,

Desert Dingo
20th Aug 2006, 08:49
Quotes from some fixed wing operators:
" Heaven is getting to V1 at Lagos".
and a takeoff briefing for a 4 engined aircraft that went
"If we can start 3 and keep 2 running - we continue".
Kinda says it all!

21st Aug 2006, 10:35
Desert Dingo.......Ain't that the truth!!!:} Great post!

21st Aug 2006, 14:08
Me speaking to a blue eyed BCal Reservationist: "Good evening Maam! When's the next flight out of here?"

Says she: "What destination Sir?"

Replies I: "I don't care so long as it is "Out and North!"

Says She: "That would be London tomorrow afternoon."

Says I: "How much....mind if I wait right here?"

Little did I know I would later come back for a much longer stay.