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View Full Version : Sony T1xp or T2xp hard drive upgrade?

Wing Commander Fowler
14th Aug 2006, 18:52
Hi chaps. Have just inserted an additional 512Mb of Microdimm to my T1xp giving it the total of 1 gig now. Reassembled (yes a degree of disassembly required to achieve this)....... and she works fine. Powered up a doozy and all well. So, next trick, to insert the new 120 gig hard drive as well. Hmmm, now this is where it all gets a bit hairy for me! I managed to remove every screw in the machine and safely lever off the back but due to the number of infinitely short ribbons attached to the mobo could only do the practising gynaecologist thingy and take a peep in. It scared me to be honest! I'm no stranger to disassembling electronic thingymajigs but looks to me like it could be a recipe for disaster!

My question is - has anyone else here succesfully replaced the hard drive in one of these beasties and if so what's the knack? Also - the hard drive inside the machine looks a smaller form than the one I have in me hand! Is this possible or are all 9mm laptop drives the same form factor? Hope someone can help!


Wing Commander Fowler
14th Aug 2006, 20:50
Oh dear - think I'm in the poo! Someone on another forum just advised me that it's a 1.8" drive :bored: Does anyone wanna buy a 120 gig 2.5" drive perchance???

Saab Dastard
14th Aug 2006, 22:30

Why not buy yourself an external USB caddy to fit the 120GB disk into? I'm sure that there'll be a USB 2 port on the VAIO.

I don't think that you can get 1.8" disks much bigger than 60GB right now, and I'm assuming that the disk you've already got is a 40, so there isn't that much to be gained by upgrading anyway.

Looking at the specs of that PC, the only user-upgradeable item seems to be the memory - which you've already done.


Wing Commander Fowler
15th Aug 2006, 10:35
Thanx SD. Yeah got a cuppla external HD's already and had a caddy waitin for my old viao hd too! I may put this beast into SWMBO's puter and release hers into the caddy. Not a complete waste but......... Bloody technology! I'd never have believed it could have been anything other than 2.5 but then it IS a small computer! :ugh:
