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View Full Version : What MP3 Player do you own?

13th Aug 2006, 06:12
Hi All;

Its about time I updated my old Cassette Walkman I bought in the late 1980s, into something a bit more up to date.

I have read about the products from Apple, Creative, Sandisk, Sony et al. But its fine reading about them, but I'm just after some advice from all of you who have bought an MP3 player, what you bought and what you think of it, and if applicable whats gone wrong with it (Besides having to be checked in on your latest flight:( ).

Thanks in advance!

Golden Ticket
13th Aug 2006, 09:45
Ok, not being in a position to want to spend the money on an iPod, I bought an IITronics Flash Drive mp3 player for £40. It plugs into the usb port, there's no software for it, it just appears as an extra drive on my pc and you drag music files to it, that's it. It also uses AAA batteries so no need to look for a socket to recharge if your on a long trip.
The only thing about it is that because it's so small the display is tiny and has limited use and a backlight would be nice. You do see what is playing though, unlike the iPod shuffle. Best bit about it is if you use internet cafes or hotel computers whilst down route you can install browsers and email software that run off it and never leave a trace behind on the host computer.
Free downloads of portable applications are here http://portableapps.com

Mercenary Pilot
13th Aug 2006, 10:04
I always thought iPods were just a gimmicky MP3 players, but after (permanently;)) borrowing my girlfriends...I wouldnt be without it!

Well....That was until some pondlife beard-wearing fascists threatened to blow up some planes, now it has to stay at home. :*

13th Aug 2006, 12:59
My daughter is on her fourth Ipod and persuaded me to buy one. Having compared it with other devices on the market, I can see what the extra price buys you.

There are two snags that I've found with the Ipod - they may be the same on other devices, I don't know.

1. Reliability. My first one died after two weeks. Apple wanted to "repair" it under warranty, but I insisted on a new one. The new one's been fine so far (6 months in).

2. Battery life. Mine is supposed to go 14 hours on a charge. I'm lucky if I get 9 hours, and 8 is more like it. However, I've got a car charger for it, and it connects to the car's sound system so I'm happy.