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View Full Version : My own email server and Yahoo's bulkmail

Stoney X
9th Aug 2006, 06:38
Looking at recent threads concerning SMTP servers and the like, perhaps my fellow prooners can give me a little guidance. I run my own email server. Software is Postfix with Courier-IMAP and Courier-Authlib to do POP and authentication bits. The server is in a datacentre with a fixed IP address. I can send and receive emails fine with just one small little, irritating problem. If I sent emails to people who have Yahoo accounts, the emails are delivered directly to the bulk mail folders. This isn't a problem for people I know cause I can just tell them and they can flag my email address as non-spam. But in the long run I would like to resolve this issue.

So far I have checked that my domain and IP address don't appear in any spam blacklists. I've checked that my DNS A, MX and PTR records are correct so reverse DNS lookups work. I've checked using www.abuse.net/relay.html that the server doesn't have any open relay holes. Done all kinds of tests using www.dnsstuff.com. Anybody have any ideas as to why Yahoo might think I'm spam???


Saab Dastard
9th Aug 2006, 12:52
why Yahoo might think I'm spam

Pot, kettle, black! Talk about irony!

Sorry Stoney, can't help, as email isn't really my thing.


Stoney X
10th Aug 2006, 08:51
I don't believe it! I've been trying to solve this issue for nearly six months now, and within 1 day of posting on Pprune I stumbled across the answer! :D The power of Pprune :D

If you are interested, in main.cf file for postfix, all I had to do was uncomment the line that read "relayhost = $mydomain". One silly litte # in the front caused so much grief.
