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View Full Version : Automatic response in MS Outlook 2000

9th Aug 2006, 04:52
I have made repeated attempts at getting MS Outlook 2000 (V to automatically respond to incoming mail when I am out of the office. I can see that there is a widely used standard response in use.

But whenever I try to use the Rule Wizard to set up this response, I am unable to find the template.

Anybody out there who can help?


Saab Dastard
9th Aug 2006, 12:55
I'm using Outlook 2002, and it has an "Out of Office Assistant" - right under the "Rules Wizard" in the Tools\Options menu.

Can't remember O2000, sorry.


Scottie Dog
9th Aug 2006, 19:48
I regret that I haven't been able to find it on my version either - so I suspect that it is not there.

Scottie Dog

13th Aug 2006, 11:55
Thanks for your advice, Saab Dastard, but - like Scottie Dog - am unable to find the "Out of Office Assistant".


13th Aug 2006, 15:50
I guess not MUCH help :) but Outlook Express 6 has the option to return a 'standard' reply.

13th Aug 2006, 16:36
Depending on how you do your email, you may be able to log into your server (or webmail service) and set up an out of office reply there. If you can run the message on the server it means that you don't have to leave your computer switched on with Outlook running while you are away.

15th Aug 2006, 09:39
Download Thunderbird (http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/) for free, and not a trial version, by the same people as Firefox, and you can do just this.

17th Aug 2006, 07:13
Thanks airborne_artist.

Downloading Thunderbird as I am writing now.:ok: