View Full Version : Fleet

CV Donator
8th Aug 2006, 09:55
Im leaving for Hong Kong very soon and just want to clarify the fleet numbers before I go, I know there was a recent post on this topic but things change all the time. Here are my figures

21 747 400
7 747 200F
6 747 400F
26 A330 333
15 A340 300
3 A340 600
12 777 300
5 777 200
2 747 BCF
2 747 BCF Under Conversion TAECO
1 DC3 Nikki

Many thanks

8th Aug 2006, 16:17
exactly what i have!

404 Titan
8th Aug 2006, 16:33
Most of us at CX wouldn't know the exact numbers of each aircraft we have without asking. They seem to change on a daily basis.

Kane Toed
9th Aug 2006, 11:34
Actually your information is MORE up to date than the CX staff site! We still don't have the latest 773 showing. Your list is correct however. Aircraft No. 100 will be an A330, due next month. But you almost certainly knew that...!

El Duque
12th Aug 2006, 18:32
Is 'Nikki' still considerred part of the CX fleet? Where would I find that info, and would I be expected to know that for the interview?

13th Aug 2006, 08:36
As with all other minor details, knowing that "Nikki" was the 1st AC will demonstrate your interest in Cathay, but is not going to make or break your interview.

In my recent 2nd stage, I was asked, "What type airplanes does Cathay operate". When I started to list the number of each, the interviewer interrupted and said he just wanted to hear the different models.

Go ahead and study every detail, but try and relax and realize the interview is worse in your head than in real life.

Best of luck

Night Watch
13th Aug 2006, 10:59
knowing that "Nikki" was the 1st AC will demonstrate your interest in Cathay

You may want to point out that she was the second A/C in the CX fleet. "Betsy" was the first!

13th Aug 2006, 12:58
Was also asked in the interview what the first 4 engined aircraft was that Cathay operated. DC-4 :ok:

13th Aug 2006, 14:49
And to think they offered me a job! Don't believe everything you read on the internet!