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View Full Version : Ever been caught out by auto complete or browser history?

7th Aug 2006, 20:03
B3ta.com has some "interesting" tales here (http://b3ta.com/questions/googleruinedmylife/)about secrets revealed by internet browsers... anyone else feel like comming clean?
I'm looking for some examples for a project i'm working on ... PM if you are curious.
Me, this week I had to ask Mrs. M if there was anything I needed to know when I typed B in the google search box and Baby names came up on auto-complete.

Mods, if this should be in jet blast, appologies!

8th Aug 2006, 06:12
Windows is absolutely packed with stuff like this.

You need something like CCLEANER - a freebie that clears out most of these "little leftovers".

8th Aug 2006, 17:31
Ha...never mind your internet history getting clocked, I got caught whilst actually taking Captain Picard to warp speed by a girl I was seeing at the time! Most embarrasing!

Saab Dastard
8th Aug 2006, 23:21
taking Captain Picard to warp speed

That's a euphemism I haven't heard before.

I must be getting old... :(