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7th Aug 2006, 17:10
OK, first problem.

mac Mini is up and running, fine on ethernet. Tried to join my wireless connection. It sees the name OK and tells me it needs a password. (it is set up with 128 bit encryption). I have tried typing in my 26 alphanumeric string in lower case and upper several times, but it always says it is incorrect.

Ideas please? :ugh: :O

7th Aug 2006, 17:16
Hdd the same problem ORAC setting up my iMac last week

Went into the router settings and retyped a new password and left the SSID broadcast setting on. After i did that, no problem

(This was on a WPA security setting)

7th Aug 2006, 17:41
Hmm, I'm set up on 128 bit WEP. Any reason it shouldn't work?

I suppose I could change to WAP, but it would mean resetting everything on the net, including the HP 3310, and I'll have to check and see if it supports it. I'd rather not.

(Also found thA, after opening and shutting the network assistant once, it will not open again. So much for infallible Mac software...)

7th Aug 2006, 18:28
You could try and reset the WEP key then, give that a shot and see what happens...

7th Aug 2006, 18:53

Glad to hear the Mac Mini is working great. Sorry to hear of your wireless woes.

The WEP key should contain all upper-case letters. Which router do you have? On my Netgear 834G, it will generate a WEP key from a password I enter into the router. Perhaps yours has this as well?

As OneWorld suggests, try resetting the password. Before that, you could turn off the security briefly (perhaps with your PCs switched off due to their accommodation for viruses :E). This way, you would at least know if the Mac Mini is working correctly over wifi. Then, perhaps reset the password and try again.

I wouldn't bother with the Network Assistant, just access the router directly through its web page setup. :ok:

7th Aug 2006, 19:11
Macster, my iMac is running like a dream. Still getting to know it, but really love what I've seen so far. I'm looking and using the automator at the moment, very nice tool.

7th Aug 2006, 19:34

To whet your appetite:

Automator Actions (http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/automator/) :)

7th Aug 2006, 20:05
Cheers macster! Good stuff, had a great time on their widgets page, have some great widgets now, but hae to be careful not to clog the screen...

One thing I have noticed is that Safari is a terrible memory hog. I installed Camino as well and it seems to be a lot less taxing. Using in some cases a 10th of Safaris requirements....

7th Aug 2006, 21:42
It is a Netgear 834G, 128 bit WEP, for interest the code is 7D986CED4AF1B027BD6E5316DB8 (But find me...) All upper case. Wroks peerfectly with everything else.

Just upgraded the software after installation, a total of about 0.5 Gb (OS X about 218Mb). Will try try the network again in a couple of days.

Why the delay? Going to have my eyeballs burned out tomorrow. Staying in the smoke overnight. Home Wednesday night.

Wish me luck....