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7th Aug 2006, 13:57
It's rumoured that a large company are buying into the aviation market in a big way. In the last month they took over TAMS. It's all a bit hush hush. Does anyone know a bit more. I believe the company could be Longmint Ltd

7th Aug 2006, 14:11
Would this be the same Longmint Ltd that owns Sterling Helicopters Ltd and Fast Helicopters Ltd. Wouldn't have thought it was that hush-hush if the information is available at Companies House!

Without doing a detailed search, I believe Longmint itself is owned by a property development co - I can't remember the name offhand but it begins with an E!



7th Aug 2006, 16:42
Erinaceous owns Longmint, I believe. Rumour has it that they have also purchased an engineering company at shorham. I'd heard on a couple of occassions that TAMS were deep in debt and about to go under. They were borrowing from the South Yorkshire investment fund. http://www.syif.co.uk/news/news102.htm A lucky break for them if they were able to sell it.

7th Aug 2006, 21:42
The engineering section of Eastern Atlantic Helicopters at Shoreham is now Fast Helicopters. Fast have bought them, which indirectly means that Erinaceous/Longmint have I suppose.

That was no secret though, it was on Fast's website and talked about quite openly.

7th Aug 2006, 23:00
I believe TAMS has the South Yorkshire Police contract for an Explorer. Eastern Atlantic has Explorers. Could this bring in another line for Longmint. The Police and Medical market is huge.

7th Aug 2006, 23:20
Could this bring in another line for Longmint.
Yes it could; economies of synergy and all that guff! But do you think this is a problem?



8th Aug 2006, 08:08
Specialist Aviation Services have the 902 engineering. They seem to have a spares monopoly. This could change things a bit. Does anyone know if TAMS management and staff changed is the Transco pipeline going back to Sterling?

8th Aug 2006, 08:11
Depends on why you want to know! :}

TAMS will still remain a legal entity and that is who the holds the Transco contract.



8th Aug 2006, 09:27
I don't need to know. (Why the angry face?) I'm curious, having heard comments about the way the contract was taken from sterling using the South Yorkshire fund money and then getting it wrong. I'm sure Sterling will not have brought as much money when sold and it would have been justice to see it return. Not that it matters as they are all the same company now. Does anyone know if they are recruiting for engineers.

8th Aug 2006, 09:53
This is not an angry face :} This is an angry face :* !! :p ;)

Not that it matters as they are all the same company now.
No there are not! Just because they are owned by the same company does not means they ARE the same company. Sterling Helicopters Ltd is a separate legal entity to TAMS Ltd. If Transco signed a contract (and I do know the circumstances behind it!) with TAMS Ltd, Longmint Ltd cannot transfer the contract to Sterling without agreement of Transco. As far as I know, each aviation company that has been bought by Longmint is being run as a subsidiary company - whether they get merged later is another matter!



8th Aug 2006, 10:06
Bit over my head that but I see your point. It would be interesting to know over what period Longmint have aquired the companies and who is next!

8th Aug 2006, 17:06
i just wondered why peple think a company has to be losing money to be sold
when they bought eastern atlantic engineering the posts then read doom and gloom EAH going bust nothing was further than the truth simon ollie sold the engineering because they offered me a shed load of money i had to accept

why couldnt tams be the same just because they had a loan to buy some helicopters[most companys do] [QUOTE]I'd heard on a couple of occassions that TAMS were deep in debt and about to go under. They were borrowing from the South Yorkshire investment fund. http://www.syif.co.uk/news/news102.htm A lucky break for them if they were able to sell it. if you read that press release it says a sucesfull air services company .ive dealt with them in the past and a friend of mine rents his helicopter to them they pay him without any problems they seem to be a good company and i have never heard any bad rumours about them

eastern atlantic engineering do have a large stock of parts for explorers [they were part of the md franchise for corporate helicopters and i do know they have supplied parts to pas before now when they didnt have any i remember an engine being borrowed and a main gb

some people on this forum just want to be doom and gloom merchants and cant stand it when someone does good .so if john tickner and co and simon ollie both got good deals with loads of money i say good on them go for it

block head you have made 6 posts in all and all of them about tams do you have other issues here? tell us more ?

8th Aug 2006, 17:56
No I don't have an issue with TAMS. My interest is in the General Aviation Helicopter industry and where Longmint or Erinacious are aiming. I believe I am right to say they are manily property developers and estate agents. Strange place to start from and go to. They seem to be hovering waiting for the next company.

8th Aug 2006, 18:15
i think if they are willing to put money in to helicopters we should let them you know the saying about making a fortune in helicopters

9th Aug 2006, 12:39
To answer the recriuting question, I beleive that Tams may be looking for an experienced 902 engineer.

9th Aug 2006, 13:19
If the property boys are pushing their money away from property and into helicopters. perhaps the slump is round the corner. Best have your money somewhere else when the bubble bursts.

Colonal Mustard
13th Aug 2006, 17:46
Mustard chuckles at the cloak and dagger attempt at "unmasking", i think i know who it could be!! , but just like the game hangman i`ll see if more "letters" appear first:E

Colonal Mustard
16th Aug 2006, 18:19
Mustard chuckles at the post .....nice 996

19th Nov 2009, 15:13
Is Longmint still functioning?
Anyone else bought out by them recently?

20th Nov 2009, 12:36
Well Alan Mann Aviation, Fast & Stirling are all Longmint companies and are still trading.

22nd Jan 2011, 10:56
I find it strange but every so often the same protaganists raise there head above the parapit I wonder how long it will be until it is cut off it seems to be a long game of jugling money they don't appear to have but good luck to them.

5th Aug 2011, 19:01
Is TAMS still trading?

5th Aug 2011, 20:10
It is still a valid entity though not trading. I am led to believe that the *&%%&*( are trying to sue someone under that identity. Not a chance.

Best Wishes