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View Full Version : Class 1 Medical and IBS Irritable Bowl Syndrome)

7th Aug 2006, 10:58
Hi guys,
Rather embarrising, but I have IBS and although it only effects me sparingly it is a significant worry to me. I am wondering whether this is a problem with regards passing a Class 1 medical and if anybody knows of other pilots suffering from the same condition. Other than this my health is in fairly good condition, eye sight and hearing are perfect. I would be most greatful of any information any of you could pass on.
Thanks in advance

Don Coyote
7th Aug 2006, 17:29
Cant see it being a problem passing your medical. I would say that this job is one of the worst there is to eat regularly and healthily and this may exacerbate any problems that you suffer from.

12th Aug 2006, 09:49

IBS on it's own should not be a problem but if it is present with Chron's Disease (I think that's the right spelling) or generalised anxiety, which can cause or exacerbate the symptoms, you might expect further questions and assessment from your AME.


12th Aug 2006, 12:04
Start smoking - apparently cure the anxiety and the IBS (and start running lots to counter the effects of smoking!)

No idea about effect on Class 1 though - sorry.

13th Aug 2006, 11:14
Hi guys,
Rather embarrising, but I have IBS and although it only effects me sparingly it is a significant worry to me. I am wondering whether this is a problem with regards passing a Class 1 medical and if anybody knows of other pilots suffering from the same condition. Other than this my health is in fairly good condition, eye sight and hearing are perfect. I would be most greatful of any information any of you could pass on.
Thanks in advance

I have held a Class 1 medical despite being diagnosed with Crohns disease. If I suffer a 'flare up' I am grounded until symptoms disapate (I am on drug therapy for the rest of my natural). My AME and the CAA are always very helpful during this period. If flying commercially then you also require a sympathetic employer, which I have.
In a nut shell, IBS should not be a problem for a professional pilot if you can avoid stress as much as possible.
Happy flying.

14th Aug 2006, 09:05
Are You sure it's IBS? After talking to a GP friend at the weekend He commented that a lot of people diagnosed with IBS were actually suffering from Coeliac disease (gluten intollerence) which is controlled by diet & doesn't affect a class 1 as long as You aren't suffering symptoms. It can be confirmed by a simple blood test & is currently thought to affect 1% of the population in the uk but only 1 in 4 of them are diagnosed.
Might be worth getting checked out as , if untreated, Coeliac disease can lead to stomach cancer

15th Aug 2006, 13:04
No my condition has not been diagnosed, so really my condition is just a presumption. I am however going to go and see the doctor and get an official diagnosis. It is not something that is dibilitating and doesn't effect me frequently. However at the moment I am cautious of any medical problem which a CAA examiner may frown upon, and as I am applying to the selction processes as soon as I have finished Uni I dont want anything to jepordise it. I have worked so hard to get the grades I really dont want anything to get in the way. Thankyou all for your thoughts, a little worrying though. :\

15th Aug 2006, 13:23
I guess your AME will be more interested in how the IBS affects you- how often you get the symptoms, what the symptoms are, how long they last, whether or not they incapacitate you, and whether or not you have required hospital admission for your symptoms.

Its unlikely that your doc will be able to offer an "official," diagnosis, but it's likely that he has ruled out any serious underlying causes from listening to the story of your symptoms.

I find this leaflet useful :http://www.prodigy.nhs.uk/patient_information/pils/irritable_bowel_syndrome.htm

15th Aug 2006, 16:15
Just get it diagnosed then - it could be a million and one different things, most of which are probably easily cured, and will mean you worry far less than you are doing so at the moment!

I can think of thyroid, caeliac, IBS, Chrons, worms and diet that could all cause the same symptoms!