View Full Version : J D

4th Aug 2006, 19:58
Of money-grabbing (once a thief always a thief) fame and standing-by whilst real men built 43 Air School. Is he dead yet and if so, is the party still on? :cool:

5th Aug 2006, 09:04
6-string. You are one sick puppy. I see that the majority of your postings are generally quite cynical and pessimistic. Get a life and quite honestly a posting with reference to Jim Davis and your slagging off of him is uncalled for := .....you're a bitter and twisted individual.

5th Aug 2006, 10:13
Of money-grabbing (once a thief always a thief) fame and standing-by whilst real men built 43 Air School. Is he dead yet and if so, is the party still on? :cool:
Jim seemed OK to me. He is getting on in life, but visits the school occasionally.
Tell us why you think so badly of him rather than just airing a rant.

5th Aug 2006, 11:03
:hmm: :hmm:
But be careful. Libel is libel!

Just to satisfy my curiosity. Did the man ever have an engineering hanger at FAGM back in about 1980?He would have worked on C310s amongst other machines and for Rossair which, in those days was at Rand?
Or, am I mixing him up with someone else? The name is verrry familiar although I cannot for the life of me remember the context?:)

putt for dough
5th Aug 2006, 12:04
6 string .Lemme guess....

You posted when you were pissed?

5th Aug 2006, 12:28
What I am talking about is the fact that within 6 months of 43 Air School opening it's doors, NINE people were taken for sums of in excess of R10,000 each; a lot of money in those days.

In my case; I signed a R10,000 bond with J D. Shortly thereafter, I bought the bond back from him with the cash that the DCA gave me towards my Com. Later I found out that not only had he given me back a COPY of the contract, but he had sue-ed me for R10,000 in the Grahamstown courts (based upon a domicile address registered to him, meaning my summons went to his front door) and won the case since I was not in court on the day!

Sometime later I bumped into KB (a fellow done-in-ee) and he named seven others on top of us two who'd fallen for siomilar skullduggery.

Yes I paid the c:mad:t! Bitter? Damn right. Twisted? You haven't even begun to imagine.

5th Aug 2006, 13:28
c cheetah the guy you,re thinking about is J.Davidson, he,s the guy that had the hangar across hangar 1 at Rand.

5th Aug 2006, 13:52

Thank you for clearing up yet another miasma of my mind. I think he still owes me a rand or two but, as one says, hey who cares!:)

By the way, out of context I know but, any idea what became of P B? He was my old instructor down there after Linda. (sad).

5th Aug 2006, 15:06
c cheetah ----------- P .B is still running around FALA , I have seen him a few times.

5th Aug 2006, 15:24
6-string - ok so you're bitter and twisted - well now that we've resolved that one....but this was many moons ago - surely water under the bridge. Yep he was a shark and we all know that but lambasting him here on this thread ain't going to get your dosh back. The big wheel has turned tho'.....so don't be surprised if he in fact has become a little bitter and twisted himself.
Why don't you track down his daughter who flies with you I'm sure(just using my powers of deduction here), at Spoories, and demand your ten grand back......surely she'll be able to tell you what has happened to the old man.

5th Aug 2006, 15:27
The fact that he took you to court is an indication to me that there are two sides to this story.

I knew Jim well at on stage in my life, and what you are describing is certainly not what I recall.

5th Aug 2006, 16:12

Thanks for the information on the great smoking reprobate. I'll look him up at FALA next time down.

7th Aug 2006, 22:17
6 string .Lemme guess....

You posted when you were pissed?

Don't we all, how else would we have the courage :oh: .

Maybe a few more down the hatch and then we can open the debate on
FDP, etc etc etc and the CAA :uhoh:

8th Aug 2006, 06:40
Cavorting Cheetah, you and I are from the same era. Ha Ha!:)
All I remember about "ol Jim" was his love for his pipe (the smoking kind, and it looked like a corn cob) and woman.
Jim loved anything that wore a skirt. From the George days to the PA days.
He had a squeeze based in Plett (of the royal kind) and boy oh boy, was there some going ons in Plett those days.
Anyone remember the Why Not Restaurant, the owner's wife, the Cherokee 235, the adultery, the fire and good "ol Jim".
Boy.... am I getting homesick!:ok:

Romeo E.T.
8th Aug 2006, 13:28
The fact that he took you to court is an indication to me that there are two sides to this story.

I knew Jim well at on stage in my life, and what you are describing is certainly not what I recall.

Was around in those days as well, Jim gave me my break into aviation and thus cannot really "slag" him.
His monetary sense (I believe) leaves some questioning....but all that said learnt a lot about instruction from him.