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View Full Version : Dixon, fuel cost backflip.

king oath
28th Jul 2006, 07:11
Reported in todays media was Dixon with his Irish boy puppet talking up Jet* international.
When the question of fuel prices came up he reportedly claimed there was no problem for Jet*. Even good old QF was covering things with the surcharge. No problemo! Jeez and I thought things were tough.
Yet he keeps bleating to the staff how the fuel price is causing huge problems.
Looks like the story changes each day to suit the audience. This bloke does a 180 turn in a flash.

Feather #3
28th Jul 2006, 07:51
Don't forget that Staff salaries are rooted [interesting thought that?:uhoh: ] in Asia while the Management salaries are benchmarked on Europe/Nth America.

Fascinating stuff [another interesting thought!]

G'day ;)

28th Jul 2006, 13:18
Fuel prices no problem for Deathstar, cos Dicko is using QF mainline to prop them up. As the belt tightens on QF, J* is growing.

29th Jul 2006, 06:54

As the belt tightens on Eastern, Sunstate is growing.


29th Jul 2006, 08:54
No wonder Jetstar has so many applications, AJ quoted 1000. Mostly from Australian regionals. They have ripped all the good will out of them (QF subsidiaries) and continually make them a less attractive place to be. So by squeezing the regionals, of course they are going to get heaps of applications for whatever deal they want. $37k A320 and less than market rates for conditions, not a big deal for some cause they are extremely despondent with their dash8 jobs etc.

Its a great idea for the Jetstar group, they get well trained pilots from the Qantas group dying to get in. My mates in Eastern have quoted that 80% have applications elsewhere and are like rats on a sinking ship. Where to go....... Jetstar.

AJ please quote pay rates pertinent to specific aircraft or not at all

But that wouldn’t be part of the standard Spin-doctor rubbish he goes along with to drive down the conditions of Australian Pilots

disclaimer - this is not aimed at any of the Jetstar pilots just the management

29th Jul 2006, 09:13
There is one school of thought that flying for a QF regional may actually be detrimental in getting a job offer with Jetstar,I'm not too sure. One thing is for certain and that is the overwhelming evidence that 'funny business' takes place between the two companies.

So in summary, yes there are heaps of pilots 'busting there gut' to leave for better things like Jetstar but are perhaps prevented by internal means.

Food for thought, hoss

Vee Won Kutt
29th Jul 2006, 10:54
yes there are heaps of pilots 'busting there gut' to leave for better things like Jetstar but are perhaps prevented by internal means
Only a fool would think that there was no 'funny' biz going on, and I am sure that it can't be legal - certainly not ethical!
However it would seem that a lot of Eastern guys/girls are getting the Jetstar call, although very few are Captains!:mad:
For the record - The Qantas board consider Eastern and Qantas a bit of a 'flat' spot at the moment, whilst Jetstar is the 'Hot' spot - Hence some sideways movement permitted! Thats about all I know, but I'm sure others out there will know more - If so, then please share!

Vee Won Kutt
29th Jul 2006, 10:56
As the belt tightens on Eastern, Sunstate is growing
Please note that I did not mention above that Sunnies was a 'flat' spot - Because it's not!!:eek:

Elroy Jettson
29th Jul 2006, 13:08
Of course already working for the "Qantas Group" puts you at a disadvantage to moving to another section of the Qantas group. There is nothing new in this. You have as much chance as a snowballs chance in hell of pinning them for it in court, and they know it. All they have to do is take "1 or 2" every few years, and they will get away with it. Infact, the only sure way of not getting in is to take them to task over this unwritten policy. Their reasoning is just as obvious. If they take you, they have to replace you. Double cost.

You may as well start a group action against their unwritten policy to take a certain ammount of female pilots, or get them for nepotism while you are at it. Everyone knows they exist, proving it is almost impossible.

Pick an industry that doesn't do it.

To the bunker. :ouch:

Mstr Caution
2nd Aug 2006, 13:33
Back to fuel

Whilst lecturing in Canberra tonight (2/08/06) Margaret Jackson stated that fuel was Qantas' biggest threat to commercial operations.

Wouldn't take much to figure that one out with the fuel bill up around $4billion a year.

I think the team need to look North East where U.S operators are increasing ticket prices & still achieving high load factors.

I can just see it now, after years of cost cutting and fragmentation of the business. Come 2009 Qantas will announce that the mainline/low cost group will be simplified to a one brand (someone's having a re paint). The rebranding will only cost $ X million.

Additionally that $Y million they saved on cost cutting, well it's gonna cost $Z million to upgrade the service standards.:8

Chimbu chuckles
2nd Aug 2006, 13:37
You're right....in fact that is beancounter SOP 101.

It has been a VERY long time since a beancounter achieved original thought. The do however reinvent the wheel every 7-10 years and never listen to pilots who witnessed the effects of the last 3 attempts and said wheel.:ugh:

2nd Aug 2006, 21:10
True Chuck,

But would you want a pilot actually looking after the books!?

I wouldn't think that the minds of accountants were the driving force behind Jetstar - not directly. It was the minds behind IR and playing groups off against each other in a publically promoted mood of gloom. Admittedly to make the bottom line look better for those whose remuneration is linked to the profits.

Never mind what the carcass looks like when they parachute out.

Hmm - maybe I should re-visit my own original question!

Chimbu chuckles
3rd Aug 2006, 06:16
Absolutely not....but a corporate memory longer than 5 minutes would reduce the stress levels in most peoples lives somewhat.

3rd Aug 2006, 09:27
thats what our magic (not) managers have to think of. why not go a buy/build/lease/ a domestic refinery? :hmm: before you jump on me ;) (taking cover under the stairs where my favourite bottles a stored) its as always a numbers game.