View Full Version : Easy R22 and R44 question

Genghis the Engineer
27th Jul 2006, 18:24
Sorry to ask an easy question, but my usual Robinson expert has snuck off on holiday.

Can anybody remind me what the maximum seat limits are in the R22 and R44?



The Nr Fairy
27th Jul 2006, 18:29
240lb R22, 300lb R44 - including baggage compartment.

Genghis the Engineer
27th Jul 2006, 18:53
Much obliged Nr.

That's the baggage compartment under the seat isn't it?


27th Jul 2006, 19:19
R22 "Each compartment can hold up to 50lbs of baggage, the maximum seat loading, including baggage, is 240lbs"

Source: AFE R22 Pilots Guide

Sorry, I don't have any info on R44.

Genghis the Engineer
27th Jul 2006, 19:43
Brilliant, thanks chaps.

I'm just writing some notes on crashworthiness for an engineering course I'm teaching shortly, and wanted to compare values used for the seats in different classes of aeroplanes. That covers it nicely.


The Nr Fairy
28th Jul 2006, 05:23
Don't forget the under-seat space shouldn/'t really have anything in it - the seat's designed to collapse.

That's why the handling wheels need to go under the instructor's seat, and why in the R44 Clipper, the nitrogen bottle is under the instructor's seat !

29th Jul 2006, 11:40
Nr, its a Helium bottle, which is why, when your instructor breaks wind and you hear Donald Duck noises, you may suspect a leak... :}