View Full Version : age range of CCP ??

27th Jul 2006, 03:50
Hi guys,

:confused:I've heard that the target range is bet. 18 and 24 years old, is it true?
coz i'm now 25 years old("white sheet" of aviation) and wanna apply the CCP next year!

anyone could share experience to me?

27th Jul 2006, 05:15
do a search around the forum and you'll realize that cathay tends to hire people from all kinds of backgrounds. there have been a number of late 20s students in the CPP and i heard some were even in the early 30s. you're definitely not too late at your age. do give it a try!

27th Jul 2006, 06:41
Thank for you reply:O !

But i also want to know :confused:
how outstanding about those succeed "elder" applicants!
only the suitable aptitude?
or they 're hold some licences?( PPL etc)

27th Jul 2006, 19:35
Let me tell you from experience I was at the CPP 1st interview July 11st 2006. 6 person was scheduled for the interview and testes that day age range from 18 to 30. I am 27 only 1 person who is 18 the youngest in the group make it to the 2nd interview. So good luck!

27th Jul 2006, 23:36
if you are trying to tell people that younger age is an advantage, please stop...because it's not. It's always easier for people to blame it on something they can't change (e.g. age, gender, ethnic background...etc) when they fail.

28th Jul 2006, 01:53
Let me tell you from experience I was at the CPP 1st interview July 11st 2006. 6 person was scheduled for the interview and testes that day age range from 18 to 30. I am 27 only 1 person who is 18 the youngest in the group make it to the 2nd interview. So good luck!

Thank for your information!!:D
;)Wish your "pilot dream" will come true!

28th Jul 2006, 02:03
if you are trying to tell people that younger age is an advantage, please stop...because it's not. It's always easier for people to blame it on something they can't change (e.g. age, gender, ethnic background...etc) when they fail.

:rolleyes: agree!! (Thank for your reply, too!)
So i would like to find more "success story",
and then try to find out "why they succeed?"!

28th Jul 2006, 04:03
if you are trying to tell people that younger age is an advantage, please stop...because it's not. It's always easier for people to blame it on something they can't change (e.g. age, gender, ethnic background...etc) when they fail.

yes that is true.

bokingwen you have to keep in mind that CX never fulfills their quota for CPP applicants, ie they never find enough qualified people for the job. what that means is that age wasn't the issue for you since they didn't have to just choose one person from your group. all could've been selected had they been the right candidates.

28th Jul 2006, 19:07
Let me tell you from experience I was at the CPP 1st interview July 11st 2006. 6 person was scheduled for the interview and testes that day age range from 18 to 30. I am 27 only 1 person who is 18 the youngest in the group make it to the 2nd interview. So good luck!

July 11? I went on that day and as far as I know, there are at least 5 of us going to stage 2. We were the morning group though.

29th Jul 2006, 03:06
July 11? I went on that day and as far as I know, there are at least 5 of us going to stage 2. We were the morning group though.
I was there too. But as far as I know, 3/6 failed and 1/6 get into 2nd stage. :ugh: For the test part, I think they have a standard mesaurment to measure everyone's ability. But in the interview part, I think CX has different expectations on candidates from different backgrounds. Because people will be asked different kinds of questions on the interview part base on their background.

For example, I have some kind of traning experience, they will ask you more technical questions. I was being asked work related questions, the max fuel on 747, cessna 152, emergency procedures on 152..... But other candidates were being asked questions on academic only. If you have more experience in your life, you will be asked more variety of questions. So that there are more fronts for them to jude on you. This is common in any kind of interview.:O

In addition, they need to invest $$ on you to make $$ for them in the future. It is reasonable that they tends to get a younger candidates, cause they can work longer for CX.

I don't think they have bias on age, but I think it will be harder to get in if you are older. I think this is not their intention but it is the statistic result from the selection process. :rolleyes:

29th Jul 2006, 03:32
what kind of statistics are you talking about?
while it's true that the number of cadets of age, say 30, or older is less than the number of cadets younger than 30, it doesn't necessarily mean the chances of making the program will be less for applicants older than 30.

have you considered the number of applicants from different age group? for example, there could be fifty 30+ applicants each year, and two of those make it into cpp, i.e. 4% success rate. On the other hand, there could be two thousand under-thirty applicants, but only 20 of those make it, i.e. 1% success rate. the ratio of successful applicants is 1:10, but the success rate is 4:1, would you still say statistically it's easier for younger applicants to get in?

of course all the numbers i mentioned here are hypothetical, i don't know the stats, may be you do :)

29th Jul 2006, 03:40
if you are trying to tell people that younger age is an advantage, please stop...because it's not. It's always easier for people to blame it on something they can't change (e.g. age, gender, ethnic background...etc) when they fail.

If you read my post carefully did I mention anything about being older will have a lower chance getting int he programme? I just told the guy what happen on the day of my interivew. The good luck I have in my post is a real good luck to ahchung.

I don't think age is a issues here it is the matter of CX feel that you are a right person for a pilot.

29th Jul 2006, 03:44
My statistic does not represent anything, I am using my own statistic only. Maybe I should say I know a number of applicants directly or indirectly, ranging from 18-3X. Most of the sucessful cases are tends to be younger applicants.

29th Jul 2006, 03:46
July 11? I went on that day and as far as I know, there are at least 5 of us going to stage 2. We were the morning group though.

Are you sure you went to interview on July 11st? I don't recall seeing you and I am sure that only 1 out of the 6 people in our group make it to the 2nd interview.

29th Jul 2006, 12:10
Are you sure you went to interview on July 11st? I don't recall seeing you and I am sure that only 1 out of the 6 people in our group make it to the 2nd interview.

What time did you go on July 11? I went at 830am. So did the 5 others who are going to stage 2.

31st Jul 2006, 21:26
What time did you go on July 11? I went at 830am. So did the 5 others who are going to stage 2.

I was there on 7/11 8:35am. I am coming from US. As far as I know only 1 guy make to 2nd Stage.

1st Aug 2006, 06:18
Sorry guys, I mixed up my dates.

I didn't go on the July 11.:ugh:

16th Aug 2006, 12:15
just to give you youngones hope.... i have been trying to get into CX through the CPP since 1992 (when 19) i got first interview chance in 2002 and got through to final interview after adelaide... now i will be 35 next week and am attending the last interview before adelaide tomorrow.... age doesn't matter so long as you show them you are committed (and i guess a bit stuborn on pursiung CX for the job).... good luck all :ok:

16th Aug 2006, 16:24
Hi HaggisHK,

I was applying for it in 1992 as well but can't afford to pay for the 2 return flight tickets from Belfast UK at that time (flying was much dearer those days!). Failed in 2nd stage last year.

I am at the similar age as you with a postgraduate engineering degree. I wonder is this your second try or third try?

Rumours said that they will only give 2 chances to applicants.
Right or wrong?

Good to know the commitment in flying is more important than age with CX CPP.:ok:

Check your Private Message (right top corner). Thanks for posting

17th Aug 2006, 02:27
ahChung (i m guEssing who you woulD be)

how is the ATPL thoery??
no more flying for a while right?? CP26arrived la boh??


from a guy who was there late July

17th Aug 2006, 02:45
just to give you youngones hope.... i have been trying to get into CX through the CPP since 1992 (when 19) i got first interview chance in 2002 and got through to final interview after adelaide... now i will be 35 next week and am attending the last interview before adelaide tomorrow.... age doesn't matter so long as you show them you are committed (and i guess a bit stuborn on pursiung CX for the job).... good luck all :ok:

Thank for your sharing:D !
Could you mind telling me more about your background(PM is also ok)?
Good Luck;) !!

17th Aug 2006, 22:59
And I agree entirely with ahchung with his posts, they are all very true.

I fail to see arrogance in haggishk's post regarding doing interviews before Adelaide, care to elaborate? If anything, there is a difference between arrogance and confidence.
I think what's more important is what he says about this:

age doesn't matter so long as you show them you are committed (and i guess a bit stuborn on pursiung CX for the job)

19th Aug 2006, 04:01
Have read some more of the forums and this is my view on all this age stuff -

If you think you are too old, then you are!, CX don't really care how old you are, of course the younger the better as you are then going to be in the front seats longer and give them more return on their investment!!! but then again you may switch to someone else at the first chance (go work nearer your home or in a country you want to live)

If you are my age applying for the CPP then you have more proving of commitment, you have had more time to pursue aviation than the 24 year olds so are expected to have done alot more, so you have to prove more desire than the younger guys and they do ask "what have you done in the past 10 years to pursue aviation...." think about it carfeully.....

And for all those who didn't get invited to an interview.... why are you not sending your paperwork in again???? you should have waited 1 month then sent in again.... if you wait 4 months (there are 3 courses a year) between applications, eventually you will get a response (i sent an application ever 6-8 months for 10 years, no joke) and if you don't... keep sending in, it is only postage and some photocopy money... and best of all, if you live in HK, hand deliver it to CX Flight training center (nothing beats the personal touch)... If i don't get through this time, then heck, i will be applying again next year.... i don't care if they don't like giving more than 2 chances, let them tell me that....

Good luck all of you, and stop worrying about things you cannot control.... apply, apply, apply.....

19th Aug 2006, 04:08
C172Driver, actually CX have switched the interview process arround since my first invite in 2002, they now do the grading after all the interviews are done and got there final group selected.... when i did it there were 13 people out of 17 at flight grading that were invited to the last interview, and from that only 12 went on the course (i was droped) you can imagine how that feels after being told by numerous people that the final interview was just a rubber stamp....

anyway i think it is a much better system now with everything being done before grading at least you know before having a great time in AD with all the actual course guys...

19th Aug 2006, 07:02
Just a thought, if you sent an application every 8-10 months for ten years i think that might have been the cause for the long wait before getting an interview. I recall a thread mentioning CX auto rejects any application before 1 year of the last rejection letter they send you. I actually went to my first interview in 2004, failed at first stage, got myself a PPL and applied in 10 months and got a direct rejection letter. Then waited a full year from the date of that letter and got another interview last month which i proceeded to fail again :ugh: but either way the HR did not mention any 2 interviews only, and in fact they didn't even have my file on record any more so they just handled me as a new applicant... Will be studying an aviation degree now and trying again as soon as my year is up!!!

oh yeah! btw good luck haggis, let us know how u went on management

19th Aug 2006, 08:39
haggisHK, my post was not directed to you, but to someone who's post who seems to have been deleted, in defence for you.

Goodluck with your interviews, I'm aware of the changes that have been made, and it is indeed a system for management to screen before the actual flight grading...saves a few pennies too.