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View Full Version : An Annoying Habit

26th Jul 2006, 09:34
I have seen quite a few computer users - incloding the local office techie - right click on the desktop and then click "Refresh". And they do this around six or seven times in succession. To me this is annoying - serves no purpose and it is the computer equivalent of running nails across a chalkboard...

I was given the reason for "internal changes take place this way". Which I find rather daft, but what do I know? Maybe it was true in the Win 95 era or something, but I find it hard to believe it works even for Win XP on today's snazzy 3 GHz PCs... What is the truth behind this?

26th Jul 2006, 11:38
tell them to press F5 instead, much easier ....acheives nothing really though

27th Jul 2006, 08:31
grrrrr thought so. thanks.

now who's going to tell them?! :rolleyes:

27th Jul 2006, 10:37
Whooo I never noticed the 'Refresh' item under that.

I do admit though to doubling clicking on items in the taskbar repeatedly, minimizing and maximizing the window while waiting for something to load. I'm an impatient bugger I suppose, techie equivalent of drumming fingers on the desk perhaps?