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View Full Version : Screen Shots Tips

25th Jul 2006, 14:37
I use FireFox, How do I get screen shots?


25th Jul 2006, 16:48
Did a quick Google @ work, and found this http://labnol.********.com/2005/12/take-screen-capture-of-webpages-in.html am at work at the mo, so unable to test.. but worth a shot.


Brian Dixon
25th Jul 2006, 17:25
I use Firefox too.

I just hit the 'print screen' button and pasted the screenshot onto a word document.

You should be able to save it from there.


Brian Dixon
25th Jul 2006, 17:29
Just a test to see if it works:

26th Jul 2006, 04:05
OK, How simple was that !!!! Thanks.

Next is minor as I can cut and paste after I have it in a word doc, but I have a second screen plugged into my laptop. Can you get a screen shot of one screen only?

Mac the Knife
26th Jul 2006, 06:43
Depends how the machine is treating the screens. If one is clone of the other then it'll be one screen only. If it's set as a dual-display (ie you can move apps from one screen to the other) then you'll get both, one next to the other as a single image , and you'll have to trim it using an image editing program.