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View Full Version : Keys on Keyboard Issue

23rd Jul 2006, 05:35
My keys appear screwed on my keyboard, it's ever since I reformatted, basically there is no £ sign on the 3 key when I hit it, and the " on the 2 key and the @ near the enter key has been reveresed, anyone know how I can rectify this?

Thanks in advance


23rd Jul 2006, 06:11
I think you can fix this by going to: Control Panel - Regional & Language Options - Languages - Details.

24th Jul 2006, 07:51
Yes, it sounds as if you have accidentally selected (or been defaulted to) the "US English" keyboard layout.

The Control Panel changes detailed above should solve it

24th Jul 2006, 22:01
Hi Chaps

Thanks for the replies, however my keyboard is still like it, it was actually set to English (USA) so I changed it to English (United Kingdom) and it still does it :{:{ please heeeelp, it's driving me nuts



p.s. here is me typing my number keys with shift being held

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

24th Jul 2006, 22:09
It's ok I have just sussed it :rolleyes::rolleyes:
If I went to control panel & then regional & language settings etc and selected English (United Kingdom) it didn't work, but then the ensuing language bar that appears after you have changed the settings has an "options" menu on it where I can again select English (UK), this seems to work :D !"£$%^&*() rarrrr

Thanks alot anyway guys :ok: