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View Full Version : This one has me stuffed (Mac users please)

20th Jul 2006, 12:49
I just love my new Macbook, but I have one odd problem. All bookmarks were imported OK from my iMac, but when I try to add a bookmark, whether by the + button, Mac D or just clicking on Add Bookmark, nothing happens. The new site doesn't feature in my bookmarks. Anybody had any experience of this one? :confused: :confused:

20th Jul 2006, 20:17

Sorry to hear about your odd Bookmarks problem. When you do Apple-D, does it ask you to name the bookmark and ask where to put it? If not, you might need to repair your permissions:

1. Open Disk Utility (in Applications>Utilities)
2. Select your Hard Disk (should be the top one in the list)
3. Click "Verify Disk Permissions"
4. Click "Repair Disk Permissions"
5. Quit Disk Utility

Reparing Disk Permissions is the only kind of Disk maintenance needed on the Mac nowadays. You should do it when new software is installed, or maybe once a month, just to keep on top of things. It doesn't trash your system by having ikky permissions, but can create frustrating little things like you are experiencing.

Also, do you have all the latest software updates from Apple? The latest system is 10.4.7.


21st Jul 2006, 05:06
Hi Macster. Yes, it asks me where I want to put it just as it should, I tell it but it just doesn't go there. I've gone right through my bookmarks and it doesn't put it anywhere else either. I've verified and repaired disk permissions as described and installed all software updates, but nothing has changed.

A mystery indeed. :confused:

21st Jul 2006, 08:40
Apple Macster,
Many thanks for your reply. I'm also new to Macs and I've just performed the disk maintenance on the Disk Utility, so I'll definitely do it monthly now. Any other useful maintenance hints to those of us new to Macs? Also, how do you right click when using the trackpad?

21st Jul 2006, 09:50

Right-clicking (or accessing the Contextual Menu as we used to say) with the Trackpad was a feature which became available in 10.4.7. You need to open System Preferences and click on "Trackpad". Enable "Two finger clicking", and it should work.

There is no other disk maintenance for you to do. As there are no known viruses at the moment (and I've not had one for almost two decades), there is relatively little to worry about. Disk defragmentation is done on the fly, although after a period of time, you might want to run something like DiskWarrior to optimise the drive. However, as with most things Mac, if it's not broken, don't try to fix it.


Capt Chambo
21st Jul 2006, 14:27
That is a rare old problem that you have there Binos.
As you MacBook is obviously new why not give Apple technical support a call you should still be entitled to free support. If that is not an option then if repairing disc permissions doesn't do it for you then might I suggest that you remove the .plist for Safari.
(Home folder>Library>preferences>com.apple.Safari.plist and drag it into the trash). This will remove your Safari preferences. I personally doubt it will work but I am almost sure that this is what Apple would tell you to do in the first instance.
Failing that I might be tempted to remove and then reinstall Safari, as it sounds as though you still have an iMac to hand. (Obviously backing up your Safari favourites beforehand!)
Either way let us know how you got on.

21st Jul 2006, 16:32

Capt. Chambo gives good advice about your Safari problems. Before you trash the .plist file, you could try resetting Safari: Safari>Reset Safari. You won't lose any bookmarks, but it will reset the cookies and cache.


5th Aug 2006, 10:49
I add this only for the edification of those interested in the final result. A phone call to Apple help (who spoke real English) eventually solved the problem, though I had them stumped for a while too.

After importing all my bookmarks from my iMac, I attempted to place the required new bookmark in a folder called Entertainment, and it steadfastly refused to enter it, or so it seemed. What turned out to be the problem was that for some reason, still unknown, instead of placing the new bookmark in the Entertainmnet folder I imported, a new folder called Entertainment had been created. When I found that, sure enough there were eight copies of the URL I was trying to import. So in the end it was operator error, though I still can't figure out why it just didn't go into the imported Entertainment folder.

All's well that ends well. I'm still unable to point to any faults in the two Macs I've bought in nine months. I'm a convert.