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View Full Version : Windows media player problem.

15th Jul 2006, 13:33
Hi all. When I try to play this, (http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/player/?item=4449444) the media starts and at the bottom it says Opening media, connecting to media and the it says 'ready'.

If I press play then it goes through the whole thing again. I have turned off the firewalls and virus scanners and it is still the same.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong????

WinXP, Media player 10 all patched up.

Saab Dastard
15th Jul 2006, 13:52
BRL mate, I think it's the server - I can't get anything either.

Rick Storm
15th Jul 2006, 16:17
Same with me. I'm using Beta9
Further...right click>Properties>File> Length 00:00 it's a dead link.

16th Jul 2006, 05:30
Just tried it. Windows media player preference, he no work. Real player does. Try changing the preference (a link at the bottom of the player page on the webpage.) Didn't play the whole thing, but it was sounding pretty good, and looking pretty promising.

Saab Dastard
16th Jul 2006, 12:47
Each to his own, but I :mad: HATE Real player! I'd rather do without the clip than install that :mad: on my system - Yeeuucchh!

That's why I always go to Amazon.com to listen to samples - they give a choice of 3 for most stuff.

And the Beeb is migrating away from Real.


Jet II
16th Jul 2006, 15:38
From the BBC website

Are all BBC sound and video clips available in Windows Media?

Not at the moment, however all BBC sound and video clips are available in Real media. Windows Media is being introduced on the BBC's News website at www.bbc.co.uk/news and we may offer it across all BBC websites in the future.

16th Jul 2006, 18:17
SD, couldn't agree more.
That's why I don't use it. (Or Quicktime.)
I use Media player classic instead.:)

16th Jul 2006, 19:48
Isn't Real Player tainted with spyware or summat?

Saab Dastard
16th Jul 2006, 23:34
Isn't Real Player tainted with spyware or summat?

No - it's one of the few programs I know that is actually improved with malware.



PPRuNe Pop
17th Jul 2006, 06:05
I find WinAmp most reliable.

NEVER go near Real or Quicktime.

There are many others to choose from now too.