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View Full Version : expected salary?

12th Jul 2006, 22:54
I'm thinking of moving over to Hong Kong and have noted that airlines like CR Airways and HK Express ask this question. So what amount would be required to live a 'simple life' in Hong Kong?

To put it in perspective I live quite comfortably in Sydney earning $35KUSD per annum.


13th Jul 2006, 03:43
i used to live in melbourne and the cost of living is significantly higher compared to hong kong. but then again, the quality of life may be considered better over there in terms of air, food, living environment, etc so i guess that's a trade off.

rent varies dramatically in hong kong depending on which area you live in. you can go from a small studio for around HK$3500 to anywhere beyond the $HK20K region.

from what i undestand, the CX and KA salaries should definitely allow you live much more than a 'simple life', unless you are supporting wife and kids at the same time.

Dan Winterland
13th Jul 2006, 05:22
CX and KA packages are very different to HKE and CR. From my experience, a company which asks you what your expected salary is want to see how cheaply they can get a pilot to work for them. One airline I know who does this has F/Os on better packages than some of the Captains just because they applied and joined when there weren't so many pilots in the market. A pilot who joins is asked not to disclose how much he or she gets paid. Of course this is largely ignored after a few beers on a night stop, so you can imagine how much disquiet this produces.

My advice, only go for operators who offer a set pacakage. You know where you stand!

13th Jul 2006, 05:36
Thankyou for your replies, I am closely looking into CR Airways what could I expect to be paid there?


26th Jul 2006, 13:45
I got an informal interview for 737
FO $HK 39,000
Cpt 65,000
No housing allowances
Just a visa (eventually dependants)
A (bad) medical insurance for you (not for your dependants).

If you are single, 39,000 may be Ok
For a familly of four, don' even dream about...