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View Full Version : To make you feel better (and who is this A320 rider bloke)

28th Jun 2006, 19:15
I stepped away from pprune over the past few months due to the fact that there was some doom, more doom and a pinch of doom on it about getting a job.

I am just going to go through a few low points of my year and hopefully it will not seem as bad as yours and will give anyone who needs that first job as much as me a little pick me up.

1. Got F/ATPL in August 2004. - Thought i was going to get a job doing something (abnything!). How wrong could i be. On this website i even offered to dance round a pole in speedo's for any prospective employer, hoping that one would be reading the thread and wish for a re-play of their public school days.


2. Spent about nine months looking for normal work and found a job as a general manager at phone4U. Lasted eight weeks. I told area manager to get someone else as I and everyone else who works for him find him "deepy unpopular" (not a great thing to say to a man but he deserved it)


3. Went for selection for MI5. Did'nt get in. Manily because i answered questions with a 'yesh' (sean connery voice). Instead of yes. Those lot haven o sense of humour.


4. Got FI rating. Brilliant. Learnt lots of stuff. Improved my flying skills. Hope the now 1100 hours would help (um!). People trying to kill me in the circuit for £17 ph. It's just so Rock n' Roll.

Now the debt could not be climbed by the most experienced Everest conquerer. Actually, you'd need the hubble telescope to see the summit

5. I have been told that because i am modular and over 30 years of age, I am incapable of learning or competantly flying a aeroplane. SEMI JOKE. But actually what I cannot do anymore is competantly play swing ball. That ball on a string has become my nemesis.


Enough of all of that.

It can be a difficult acceptance that maybe, no matter how hard we try, that it may not happen for any one of us. I do not feel that way myself just yet. No matter how many time people tell you "it's going to happen", they cannot gaurentee it (obviously).

I generally have a had a great year because I am flying, but a sh@t year because I am not where i need to be.

It's an easy thing to say, but there is always a way. Even though I have not found it yet. But I have got myself out of some generally sticky situations. Albeit for another one.

Oh, and i got an e-mail from cityjet, saying that Cityjet are recruiting in August. If annyone sent me PM's about the assessment i sat last year, sorry I cannot remember the questions.

If anyone is in a better situation that me and feels better for it after reading the thread, great!.

If you want to pull me up on spelling, grammar or artistic licence then please forward to that A320rider bloke who makes me feel like a lottery winner.

28th Jun 2006, 19:29
blimey, if you had no bad luck you would have no luck at all!!

Keep at it:ok:

28th Jun 2006, 19:34
Like you say, you're flying, so you are staying current and within the industry, it could/should/might happen one day soon, PMA (positive mental attitude) & dedication is what you need (sang in a Roy Castle stylie).

You are where I am now, I'm still happier than I was 5 years ago stuck behind a desk! I have no regrets over my debt, and still look forward to getting up in the morning and going to my new career/job.

No guarantees in aviation, there aren’t in life either, lookout for them Klingons and you should be fine?

I wish you… Qapla' batlh je


dynamite dean
28th Jun 2006, 19:43
yeah keep at it what interests me how resourceful you are, did I get that right 9 months then you got a job as a Genral manager? albeit at a company that doesnt fly planes, how did you manage to convince them you were for the job after doing the flying thing and having to tell them that ' yes I have spent 50k on something completely different and I want to work fo you?'

Then you go on to say you are a flying instructor good, I do get tired of hearing folk get the shiny new book and then they are worthy of a TP or Jet,
Just remember some of those captains who you will get interviewed by Modular and integrated bulldust which exists in this country didn t exist when they started out. So they cant relate always in my opinion to super low houred pilots although of course I some can yes there are wizz kids out there don't tell my auntie though cos she wont get on the plane - she still likes the grey haired pilot! My point is your turn is coming very soon, sure some get there quick but most have to tread the boards, hang in there continue to be a resourceful pilot keep at it and when you - are not at the the 11th hour but the 11hr and 59th minute your chance will come....it always does.:ok:

Just another student
28th Jun 2006, 21:05
Just keep at it, keep your chin up..... even though it seems to get harder every week. Tomorrow is another day, you never know what might happen.

All the best.


29th Jun 2006, 14:10
yeah keep at it what interests me how resourceful you are, did I get that right 9 months then you got a job as a Genral manager? albeit at a company that doesnt fly planes, how did you manage to convince them you were for the job after doing the flying thing and having to tell them that ' yes I have spent 50k on something completely different and I want to work fo you?'

I lied and said to them that i spent 18 months building a house in Ireland. The more obscure the lie, the more believable it is. Funny thing is, I am pants at DIY