View Full Version : Bye Bye Channex XI

freightdoggy dog
22nd Jun 2006, 22:09
On February the 1st 2006, I thought I had done my last Channex A300 loadsheet, how wrong can you be!

Produced it today for the crew of G-CEXI, which will depart Bournemouth tommorow for Istanbul (23/05/06) under a private flight number.

It will be crewed by,

Capt Pete (When I was at Heavylift) W~ls~n
Capt Mike (Lord Charles) S~lw~~d
Senior Flight Engineer Phil (Southend Mafia) H~~dgs~n

I Just want to say a big thank you to all the crews who I met over the years, and also for all the great times we spent drinking and fighting together. Keep in touch and I am sure our paths will cross again in this small world.

P.S Guess whose got the Newsapers to the Channel Islands this weekend?

Somethings just never change:ok:

ILS Repeater
23rd Jun 2006, 06:56
It will be sad to see the last Green Fin go from BOH, also very strange to see XI without the Channex logo.

23rd Jun 2006, 08:50
whos bought it then? Kuzu/MNG/ACT ??

Mr Rowntree
23rd Jun 2006, 10:08
who has the papers then?

23rd Jun 2006, 10:16
Maybe bought by Two Sh*gs??

23rd Jun 2006, 12:44
Did 'XI make It's departure?

ILS Repeater
23rd Jun 2006, 13:49
No not yet she's still siting outside thwe Basco hangar !

XI finally departed BOH around 1500

Cee of Gee
23rd Jun 2006, 17:51
loadsheet for a positioner? - couldn't Lord Charles work it out:p
Doing the papers this weekend? -did the B'stormer go sick again? Surprised I didn't get a shout!:ok:

Saw the STN based 73 this week, guess it won't be long before the green turns red. Feels odd, spent a lot of time seeing that green. [Not just in the early hours at CGN eh dogg!]

I Just want to say a big thank you to all the crews who I met over the years, and also for all the great times we spent drinking and fighting together. Keep in touch and I am sure our paths will cross again in this small world.


C o' G

A and C
28th Jun 2006, 07:15
As an ex-Channex (Zantop)L188 & F27 crewmember I was in CGN as the operation was packing up, it was very strange sitting in the airport holiday inn bar with the channex crew (Phill was the FE) drinking a beer, even the barman was the same, it could have been 10 years ago when we would see three Electra's on the ramp.

I have fond memorys of all but the last six months of Channex and it was sad to see it all evaporating before my eyes but I am glad that I left when I did, I don't think that I would like Jet2 very much but I hope that I am wrong for the sake of the people that I worked with at Channex.

Rhoda Horswunce
8th Jul 2006, 20:47
No more please! You'll have me bawling!!:rolleyes:

I'm personally glad to see that very nearly everyone who left (voluntarily or otherwise) is in as good or even better shape than when they were there! Long may it continue for them and for those who might not be in such a fortunate position, I hope your luck changes soon!

IMHO Jet2 will never be comparable with Channex. Different times and different planes!:{

Now stop it! You've got me going again A and C!:bored:

14th Jul 2006, 20:01
To all those soon to be ex-Channel, from an ex F27 & A300 guy now having a great time in the left seat of the silver and red 737s at MAN, it was an honour to work and play with the lot of you, to a man. Jet2 is good, despite all the ****e you read on Pprune, and the future looks good for those of us who are not FE's, loadies or Bournemouth office staff. So thanks guys, it was a pleasure to know you all. If you can't work out who I am, the fact that I've got a mate called Denzil Pemberthy might be a clue. Cheers and good luck to you all.

I've just re-read that and it looks like I'm saying I'm all right jack and sod the rest of you .. I didn't mean that.. I just meant to wish you all the very best for the future..whatever it may hold.

freightdoggy dog
15th Jul 2006, 17:49
Smudge you ol fec ker, howz Denzil do'in. He;s invited to the old house warming in August mate.

1st week "Up Noorth" for me and it is very very HARD work:ok: . Save for Shuperstar trying to blow up our Gaff by leaving the gas cooker on unlit, Goordan would of been proud.

Coming over to Manch week after next for 3 days with Shuper and Goordan, so we will pass our evenings away viewing your holiday snaps from Dubai!! Remember those flicks that you use to video under the beach towel as they played beach volleyball. Maverlooooous.

Ps your turn to empty the washing machine

17th Jul 2006, 20:10
FDD, PM me the details of the housewarming (although I guess it's already been warmed up) and I'll do my very best to be there. Hope to catch you in MAN.

17th Jul 2006, 22:05
I keep hearing that you J2 jocks are soon going to be flying back into BOH from Manchester on your silver 73's. Head office is well fed up with driving BOH-LBA and reckon MAN is the easy way there. Any news from the ground??

To all those soon to be ex-Channel, from an ex F27 & A300 guy now having a great time in the left seat of the silver and red 737s at MAN, it was an honour to work and play with the lot of you, to a man. Jet2 is good, despite all the ****e you read on Pprune, and the future looks good for those of us who are not FE's, loadies or Bournemouth office staff. So thanks guys, it was a pleasure to know you all. If you can't work out who I am, the fact that I've got a mate called Denzil Pemberthy might be a clue. Cheers and good luck to you all.

I've just re-read that and it looks like I'm saying I'm all right jack and sod the rest of you .. I didn't mean that.. I just meant to wish you all the very best for the future..whatever it may hold.

ILS Repeater
18th Jul 2006, 06:38
The only rumour I've heard is that possibly one of the QCs may be BOH based to cover the mail operation.... apart from that, HQ with the exception of Engineering is all going to LBA !

freightdoggy dog
18th Jul 2006, 22:28

Haven't you gone Nuclear yet?

It's either that or back to building the G@yRobot!!!!!

Heard that it will only last a week though, shame.

Pre Season friendlies are now well into their stride, although the " run around the tarn to keep fit" is still a transfer nightmare.

Also an away match on Friday is eagerly awaited by the newest hot transfer

Smudge PM sent

ILS Repeater
19th Jul 2006, 08:28
FDD... those folks at Winfrith don't want me :(.....so I guess it's back to being a tech orfa unless somethin else turns up.
Best of luck with Manch and Leeds !

Shuperstar Loadie
22nd Jul 2006, 20:34
FDD round the tarn 1 ILS repeater job prospects 0!

Keep your chins up ILS someone will employ you!
Me and FDD kept our jobs just! Hope for you eh!!!!

Shag castle is great, shame the sofa wont go through the door! Measured by to loadies!!! Frightening!:ugh:

freightdoggy dog
23rd Jul 2006, 10:18
Anyone can walk around the moat at our castle shuper? What with your dodgy knee even legoman could catch your belly!

Its all that Jogging that goes on up in that car park that worries me. Theres me bashing the bible,trying to get the privates out on parade and all you can do is get your bearskin out.

ILS, no worries mate, just open the flux gates and let the borgs replicate. Reality is a dream anyway.

PS Shuper, perhaps we will have to blow the bl@ddy back doors off :D

25th Jul 2006, 10:10
Anyone can walk around the moat at our castle shuper? What with your dodgy knee even legoman could catch your belly!

Its all that Jogging that goes on up in that car park that worries me. Theres me bashing the bible,trying to get the privates out on parade and all you can do is get your bearskin out.

ILS, no worries mate, just open the flux gates and let the borgs replicate. Reality is a dream anyway.

PS Shuper, perhaps we will have to blow the bl@ddy back doors off :D

should cause a Roar

26th Jul 2006, 20:22
Lionel why a "Roar"

6th Aug 2006, 15:12
Any news of a farewell party for all those who worked on the "Widen Your Horizons" A300 fleet. I don't suppose PM would stump some funds for a bash at the Avon Causway like he did for the Electra and Herald.

6th Aug 2006, 15:42
sheesh - am I out the loop these days!

seems a shame that CEX has gone this way, but I guess all good things come to an end.

if there are any ex Herald or L188 drivers/crew out there, I'd like to say thanks a million :D I was one of the land drivers that used to cag lifts from and to the "small island" between '88-'92 - good times! :{

6th Aug 2006, 17:41
Were any of you guys A300 L/M when you were flying out of LUX? Its a long time ago now, but I remember trading a tour of a 300 conversion v. a 744F. Gave each other explanations, good/bad points etc. The one thing that stuck in my mind was having to push a pallet uphill into the tail :ouch:

The few guys that I met (sorry, names long time forgotten) were gentlemen. That much sticks in the grey matter!

7th Aug 2006, 07:49
Seem to recall flights from LUX to Orebro many years ago? Sure FDD was involved in those early flights.

freightdoggy dog
7th Aug 2006, 20:32

It was indeed me who traded a 747-400 Peep against the A300F looksie.

Yes a long time ago CR2 and as for Orebro, I remember it for the Swedish nurses at the teaching hospital and a bar bill that wiped out my allowances by the end of a trip away.

Also strange in the fact that most of those A300 loadies are now flying with GSS out of STN.

Small world eh!

Chille Con Carnie
29th Aug 2006, 19:07
Here your going to be an Essex Boy

freightdoggy dog
30th Aug 2006, 21:56
Too right geezer! Got me bling and modded xr2i so back to the "Beautiful South" for me mate.

The Northern lasses mind you know how to party, just don't mention Newcastle and the trampoline or the ars* bandits on the M1!

13 into 6 will go eh Shuper? just hope MM can keep it up !

Sathend and a lock in with Tasty is next on list, mind you I hear 14th of October will be an absolut Blinder mate.

B lucky init.

Bacon Slicer
6th Sep 2006, 21:54
Where is Paskins these day's? AST 1995

freightdoggy dog
8th Sep 2006, 19:13
Hi Bacon,

Paskins has also become a member of the Essex Geezer club!!

Still sports a natty line in Chocolate Hobnobs, but keeps very dodgy company with a purveyor of dungeon equipment.

I heard that he sleeps with one eye open now ala Basil Falwty due to the hamster next door shouting Armegeddeon!

His next offer for command is belived to be Holmsley Airfield?

Cee of Gee
9th Sep 2006, 14:39
Ah Paskins - saw the old boy(!) at Castlepoint a few months ago.
Doing well.

FDD, has he been issued his balaclava yet!

See ya soon.

C o' G

freightdoggy dog
9th Sep 2006, 15:30
along with studded dog collar and lead. It's the white mini skirt and high heels that worry me as he goes through VP2!

Cee of Gee
9th Sep 2006, 17:12
That is a worry.
VP1 will be OK though, that's the norm!;)

freightdoggy dog
10th Sep 2006, 11:32
Or just walk through the United Pot Smugglers' shed like the DFT!

Hey you can even ignore the airport DN and not bother wearing a hi viz vest on the ramp, cos you're synchronising the world with empty containers.

dontcha just lurve our buddies in arms. Goddam

Chille Con Carnie
10th Sep 2006, 19:50
FDD have you signed in at STN yet, being three doors down from I swam in the creek , should be good for a few good headaches.

freightdoggy dog
12th Sep 2006, 01:14
CCC. Have indeed signed in.

Got the full deck of cards as well. Will be in from Thursday so will pop down for a sherbert or two in Thundersley

I gather you mean Wah Wah who fell into the creek and got pulled out by the jinglees!!!!!!!!!!

Already had him legless over 2 bottles of Merlot in Stortford.I hear poor old Wardey is going to the gallows next weekend.

Will call u 2mrw geezer.

Chille Con Carnie
19th Sep 2006, 20:39
Hear you been off to sunnier climes you rascal,Dont lube him to much this week,may see you soon for a couple of jars.

freightdoggy dog
22nd Sep 2006, 07:13
Have to "pop" down to Flightline in SEN next week to pick up some tarts carts and atlas boxes, so will bang on the hangar door if yer around. Save a seat for me at the bar:ok:

Ivan aromer
23rd Sep 2006, 21:37
any more of this and the fun detectors will go off

Chille Con Carnie
14th Oct 2006, 19:22
FDD STN office a little quite these day,s when is No 6 & 7 coming.

freightdoggy dog
15th Oct 2006, 19:57
Tis the season to PARTY !!!!

I hear Nov 17th is the big bash in Bournemouth for the A300 guys? Lets hope I wake up in a bedroom that I recognise this time :eek:

Wish it was quiet CCC, Unfortunately the commercial boys have done well in selling LP this winter plus we are getting a Jet2 B757 in Decemeber.

As for 6 and 7, I guess you need some O/Time eh?

Look fwd to seeing the Geezers in their Beemers next month, I guess my liver can take a little more?

Chille Con Carnie
7th Nov 2006, 19:23
FDD.getting ready for the throttle up, any news on No.s ?

freightdoggy dog
8th Nov 2006, 20:58
5 loadies bagged.

Tigger the F/E deffo coming, even saw Judders today at STN and TEDS, he might even make it.

Hows the Aussie Convict, has he taught you lot to drink yet!

Gaff sorted, move in 28th. Wah Wah now got somewhere to sleep when he gets mullered with Smurf.

Can we have our 757 back please.