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22nd Jun 2006, 11:30
Howdy all...

Long time listener, fisrt time caller.. Yay for me.

Now to business.. I just finished my final CPL subject, sitting my IREX next wednesday, and fingers crossed if I pass, sitting my MCIR next friday, and CPL on saturday. If I dont pass my IREX, now that I have written it here, I will be too embarresed to come back on. However, if I do, and FINALLY live my dream...where the heck do i go from there. I know, I know...the hard yards. I got no problem with that. Too many people want the easy road. Where is the excitement in that. I have to work for anything worth it, otherwise 20years down the track you will be bored going to work, and that just ticks me off. But the question is, where is the hard yards. Do I front up at an airport an advertise myself, or send of CVs. Do I venture off overseas and see whats in there, or do I take out a loan for millions and start my own premier coporate oceanic/asia jet company-anyone that laughed....watch me. You gotta have dreams that you want to work towards.

So really amongst all this really is a hi, how are you all, im sure I will work with some soon, and yep...Im in it for the long haul. Lets not forget, flying is all we live for, so lets live like it matters to us.