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View Full Version : IBERIA Pilot requirements

18th Jun 2006, 21:00

Living in Spain(and enjoying it), and speaking Spanish - it kinda makes sense that when I finish my flight training, I would ideally like to fly for IBERIA.
Anyway, apart from the flight qualifications - are there any Spanish educational requirements needed - for example - Bachillerato, or E.S.O.?

Muchas Gracias a todos que me contestan!

George :)

19th Jun 2006, 20:57
This is not a Spanish language forum or website. I do not speak or read Spanish, nor do the other moderators that look in here. If we can't understand what you post, we can't be sure that what you say is within our rules or will not land us in hot water with people or companies unknown. Therefore all the Spanish-language posts have been deleted. You may, of course, converse by e-mail or Private message in whatever language you choose.
