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View Full Version : Bladder scrape - why?

16th Jun 2006, 11:51
So, my mother's peeing blood and has to go for a bladder scrape. Can anyone explain to me why they will be doing that, whats involved and why she isn't allowed to fly for 3 weeks after that?
Everything I find on google goes straight to bladder cancer :(

Thank you.

16th Jun 2006, 13:42

Sorry to hear about your mom. I don't know about the "scrape" part, but blood in the urine usually calls for a look-see into the bladder for tumors. I suppose if they see something they might want to biopsy it while they're in there. There are a number of causes for hematuria.

Hope she turns out to be OK.

Brian Fantana
16th Jun 2006, 19:00
Dont worry yourself could be what I had.
A few years ago I started peeing blood and it turned out to be kidney stones. The blood stopped after about a week and the little blighters worked their way through.
All the best

17th Jun 2006, 13:08
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the comments.