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View Full Version : PPRuNe Recruitment and Training Seminar **UPDATED**

15th Jun 2006, 00:20
We in PPRuNe Towers have been giving some thought to running another day of seminars to give people guidance and advice on career development in aviation. We have held two of these in the past, and they were well received.
The plan is to hold them on the 23rd September 2006 in the Thistle Hotel, Horley Surrey. This co-incides with the Bash being held that evening, allowing attendees the opportunity to stay on and enjoy the social side of PPRuNe and meet some of the more well know PPRuNers.
The seminar presentations will include Recruitment, the Sim Assessment, how to write a cv, other careers in aviation and the flying lifestyle. The presentations will be given by some of the PPRuNe Moderators, along with some of the profesionals that are regulars on this board.
There would be a registration fee of £25, which would be completely refunded once you show up on the day. There would also be a limited number of places and it would be a matter of first pay, first served.
This post is to give you advance notice, and to ask you what topics you would like to see covered during the seminar, and to gauge the level of interest, so that we can determine the size of rooms we would need to hire.
As there appears to be a good enough level of interest, it is now time to open bookings.
To reserve a place at the seminar, please make out a cheque to the Pprune Fund for the price shown £25.00 pp. Send it to Pprune Fund, 5 Station Approach, Belmont, Surrey SM2 6BW. On the back of the cheque write your PPRuNe name and the word SEMINAR. This will be refunded to you when you show up for the seminar.
If any of you want to stay on to attend the Gatbash, the mark the back of the cheque SEMINAR AND GATBASH, and this cheque will be cashed as your payment for the bash.
We estimate we'll have room for 60 at the seminar, so first come first served.
I look forward to seeing you all there.

Note: Please ensure that you put your USERNAME on the back of your cheque, thanks.
____________________________________________________________ ____________________
This is the list so far for the Seminar attendees and who have paid:
Pinknicola -Bertie Bassett - I R Baboon - Gymaint - Tool8 - Wycjol - Capt Gary - Flybyday - Just another student - Chinchilla.612 - 0-8 - Bluepeely - The Flying Physio - JonJon - martinhurst - Rhodri Rhys Davies - Alcorock - Pipertyro - GonnaB - GonnaB2 - Ash Nelson - Neilia - Silent_Badger - Tommy Flyer - J Walton - Eddthechip - Deano777 - S Richards - Yistoph - P1-Aviater - Nick S - EGBK Flyer - Smilingknife - mungo-55 - Cortilla - Simonc15 - Bollis - Ball Basher - diamond 1 - Bubble - Wazzoo - Nick P - Girl Friday - Reverand Lovejoy - Mrs Reverand Lovejoy - HAMILOOO - pg wing Tips - Kaptain Kipper - TUDESKI2004 - TGF97 - Pre3mhjt - ThermoMan - BalhamBob - Funke - Flight Deck Dave - Kerropi - Supermattt - Mighty Gunner - Sparks Flying - Markeymojo - (60)

15th Jun 2006, 03:05
Calling all Ppruner's interested in becoming a Professional Pilot ! ! ! !

Having attended these in the passed when I was an 'interested PPL' I can confirm 100% that these seminars are just about the most informative and valuable day's out that you will ever attend !

Please count me in Hamrah and thanks to you and the others for bringing back the long awaited Seminar / Gatbash :D

15th Jun 2006, 08:05
Before i say yes or no, can i ask which Thistle Hotel we're talking about?!?!?!?!

:confused: :confused: :confused:

pomme pilot
15th Jun 2006, 09:49
Sounds good to me...

15th Jun 2006, 10:18
Thistle Hotel London Gatwick, Horley.
Thistle London Gatwick
Brighton Road, Horley,
South London, Surrey RH6 8PH
Phone: 0870 333 9134


See also the Gatbash post for more details of the evenings events ! :ok:

15th Jun 2006, 10:54
Count me in

15th Jun 2006, 11:09
count me in too!! :) Will mention to some of my mates also recently qualified!


Just another student
15th Jun 2006, 11:11
Sounds like fun :)

I would be very interested in attending the seminar.

Does each registration come with its own guaranteed interview at the airline of your choice? ;)

Any advice to do with getting your first break in aviation etc I would see as invaluable.


15th Jun 2006, 12:10
Count me in, sounds like it could be extremely informative...

Could I suggest:

"VLJ's as an avenue for possible employment and experience requirements"

"CRM - Learning from others mistakes"

Many thanks,


15th Jun 2006, 12:24
I'd very much like to attend this as well, i am interested in starting my PPL from scratch so any info would be helpful!

15th Jun 2006, 12:55
A320 rider just has to have a freebee, and a half hour talk slot!!!!!!!

15th Jun 2006, 12:55
Count me in!!!
Topic: Non JAA to JAA conversion!!!

15th Jun 2006, 13:14
Count me in please, sounds like a great day.:ok:

Would be interested to hear of experiences from guys who have started the training later in life i.e. 30+ years of age and subsequent employment options.

Look forward to it.;)

15th Jun 2006, 13:20
I am also very interested, being a PPRuNe sponsored ATPL student (now completed) I already know the value of the support the guys at PPRuNe offer wannabes and I can whole heartedly say it is well worth it.

Thanks PPRuNe for your continued support


15th Jun 2006, 13:53
Put my name on the list :ok:


15th Jun 2006, 15:13
FlightKlub would also like to add her name to the list too.
She just needs to be able to log onto the Pprune site again.
So in the meantime I shall 'pencil her in' until she confirms this herself ! ! ! !

15th Jun 2006, 16:58
Yep, very interested. Having heard feedback from previous seminars they sound very useful and informative


15th Jun 2006, 20:01
count in waffs and possibly 2 others!

15th Jun 2006, 20:07

Please add my name to the list.


I R Baboon
15th Jun 2006, 22:24
Very interested.

Would love to know which (if any) experience/skills from non aviation jobs might be attractive to recruiters and how best to present them. Equally, which are of no interest and should be omitted from CV.

Also, (while I'm feeling optimistic :) ) an overview of how pilots manage their careers. If I want to be a captain on a big new shiny type in 5 or 10 years time, should I aim for seat first or fleet first?

16th Jun 2006, 08:16
Just confirming Thanks Big Mister !!!!
I will be there!Add me to the list !

16th Jun 2006, 08:29
Count me in. I'll be there like a bear!

16th Jun 2006, 10:03
Count me in. I'll be there too

16th Jun 2006, 10:05
Count me in please

Capt Holland
16th Jun 2006, 14:15
Sounds good, count me in!

17th Jun 2006, 04:59
Yep I will be there as well! Put me down for 1 please.

17th Jun 2006, 11:06
Pease add my name to the list


17th Jun 2006, 21:19
Count me in too. As mentioned earlier, YOU MUST GET A320 RIDER to deliever a speech. He is a legend.

18th Jun 2006, 17:49
hi guys,

sounds brilliant. Is there going to be any information on helicopter career paths? If so count me in and stick my name on the end of the list.


18th Jun 2006, 20:19
sounds interesting, please inform me of the details.

19th Jun 2006, 00:48
these are events you dont miss, i have nothing to lose, count me in

19th Jun 2006, 15:35
I'm interested in attending so count me in

19th Jun 2006, 21:32
Sounds good, count me in.

20th Jun 2006, 12:53
Count me in too please.

20th Jun 2006, 13:08
I would like to attend.

I too would like to hear from older pilots 30+ who are new to the industry.


20th Jun 2006, 14:08
Count me in !!!

I am also very interested


nick p
20th Jun 2006, 18:02
Me too big time

20th Jun 2006, 18:16
PPRuNe will be holding a series of seminars for wannabes on the 23rd September at the Gatwick Thistle Hotel. This is the same location and date as the PPRuNe GatBash 2006 so you can enjoy both functions if you so wish.

The Wannabe Seminars will be held from 10am through to mid afternoon with a break for lunch and coffee breaks. They will be open to wannabes who are either thinking of starting out on the long hard road to gaining their fATPL and to those who have gained their licence but are still struggling to find their first job.

Whilst the full itinery hasn't been finalised yet, they will include talks on how to prepare your CV and approach potential employers, what to expect at interview, what's really involved once you get your first job, flying for a loco and flying for a legacy carrier. These are not sales pitches from companies who want your business. The talks will give you the 'warts and all' side of things and will be by people who have achieved their positions after being in a similar situation to the wannabes and include current pilots and airline management. More details will follow.

There will be no charge for the seminars but places will be limited. In order to reserve a place at the seminar, a £25 refundable deposit will have to be paid. If you have reserved a place and you show up, your deposit will be refunded. Lunch is not included but coffee during the breaks is. Also, if you want to stay for the PPRuNe GatBash 2006 function in the evening (not to be missed) please see this thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=204302) for details on how to book.

The PPRuNe Wannabe Seminars used to be a regular event but have not been held for the last few years. They were very popular and you will need to book early to reserve a place as we are limited to a maximum of 60 guests. They are also a great opportunity to meet some of the people who moderate and run PPRuNe. If you want to know how to network, then be there or be square... as they say.

Watch this space for details on how to reserve your place at the PPRuNe Wannabe Seminars 2006. The places are on a strictly first come, first served basis.

21st Jun 2006, 09:29
Not sure if it's a case of get your cheque in or get a shout on the thread - so doing both ;)

Gatwick bound!


22nd Jun 2006, 13:16
Sounds good. You can count me in as well (if there are any places left?!).

22nd Jun 2006, 14:33

I am very keen to attend this event - thanks very much for bringing it about. I assume that details on how I should pay the £25 will be forthcoming. Once they are I will gladly stump up immediately.


22nd Jun 2006, 16:17
The details on how to pay your £25 to secure a place at the seminars will be published shortly.

Remember, the £25 will be refunded to you when you turn up for the semminars. We are only doing this to ensure that those that say they are coming actually do so. In the past we have had people reserve places and then not turn up thereby denying another person an opportunity to take part.

The cost of hiring the venue and the refreshments are courtesy of the PPRuNe Fund.

Don't forget that if you want to stay on for the GatBash in the evening, you must book that seperately.

22nd Jun 2006, 17:44
I will be there assming that I am in the country by the 26th.

23rd Jun 2006, 00:59
count me in , i have nothing to lose.
there are so many people, it like u called the whole world, would there be a place for me and 4 of my friends

23rd Jun 2006, 12:14
Definitely up for it, count me in!

27th Jun 2006, 14:27
yeah i'm game to if i'm not to late

27th Jun 2006, 15:25
It would appear that few of you have actually read Danny and Hamrah's posts. You cannot reserve a place by posting on this thread - that's how we ended up with so many no-shows in the past. You will only be able to book a place when you front up the dosh. The instructions for how to do that have not yet been published (and I'm not in the loop, so I don't know when they will be), so wait and see what you have to do. When the instructions are published, follow them to the letter.


27th Jun 2006, 18:45
most definitely interested in coming to the seminar even if it is a bit of a trek, i'm sure it'll be worth it. Anyone else coming from nottingham area lemmie know and we could car share

PPRuNe Pop
27th Jun 2006, 21:41
Scroggs has got that right, but I have already received 4 confirms WITH their cheques. For without the cheques putting down your name will not count. There is no reason why you should not send me them now since if we do not get enough to make it worthwhile I will trash the cheques - unless you want to come to the bash also.;)

Anyway, here is the link you require and be sure to send me your personal details - they are safe with me and will not be revealed to anyone.


30th Jun 2006, 01:53
I have no check account but i do want to participate in the seminar; is there any other chance to pay the subscription fee?
Is it posible that someone in London would do that for me, for i am not in England?

PPRuNe Pop
4th Jul 2006, 05:07
Please note: I have FOUR cheques only at the moment and that is the sum total of the 50+ who have said they want a place reserved for the seminar. So, I would be grateful if you send your cheques ASAP as confirmation.

As of now just watch out for any further info on this thread only. But do please get your confirmation in the post. All the details are on page ONE above.

For those interested in the GatBash the details are here. Ah! Please don't forget that you CAN convert your payment for the seminar to the GatBash - simple!


This is a good opportunity for you, and after our successes of the past you won't regret it.

I look forward to hearing from you.


4th Jul 2006, 18:59
It was ever thus, Don - they talk a good fight but, when it comes down to it, they don't deliver. Just like the England football team.

So, all you guys creaming your jeans over this seminar, where's your dosh?


I R Baboon
4th Jul 2006, 20:58
Sent my cheque with covering letter on Thursday 28/6 first class. Hope it's one of the 4 that you've got!

4th Jul 2006, 21:18
Pprune Pop,

Same as I R Baboon, cheque posted with covering letter.
Please can you confirm the names of those who you've received the cheques from?



PPRuNe Pop
4th Jul 2006, 22:04
Happy to do that: As follows - Pinknicola -Bertie Bassett - I R Babbon - Gymaint - Tool8. As you can see as of today it is FIVE.

I should be used to it by now but I am not! That I put hours and hours of work (over 6 years now) into the Bashes and seminars but there is always -I HOPE! :eek: - a lot more people to come. I will keep faith with my thoughts that it is always good fun and in the end well worth the effort.

So.........your effort would be much appreciated. Ta!



Just another student
5th Jul 2006, 15:09
My cheque is on its way first class today.



PPRuNe Pop
11th Jul 2006, 06:35
Of the people who said they will be attending the seminar (over 50) I have a total of 15 who have sent me their cheques.

Please remember, by sending a cheque you are simply reserving your place - you get your cheque back! When you arrive.

Right now it would be hard to justify spending over £450 for a lecture room for that number so please get pen to cheque and send it. You will not be sorry.

And! It's the best freebie you will get on your way to achieving your goal! :ok: :D

11th Jul 2006, 06:42
I am not able to send a cheque. Is there any other possible way to pay the fee?? (eg paypal, banktransfer??)


Signor Frog
12th Jul 2006, 13:17
As a newly qual PPL and member of this site, i say Hi and count me in.


PPRuNe Pop
12th Jul 2006, 22:22
I have decided to accept one or two payments directly into the PPRuNe Fund account providing they come from abroad or just don't have a bank account.

Taking those basics on board you can PM me and I will let you know how to pay.

Please note however, if you fail to turn up you will not get a refund. There are no refunds. Only to those who attend and have pre-paid.

Still waiting for paid confirmation of those who placed their name on this thread! :ugh:


13th Jul 2006, 01:38
Cheque will be in the post tomorrow, apologies for the delay, awefully busy doing 14hr day & night shifts :ugh:

13th Jul 2006, 21:59
hey, is there still spaces available for the seminar only, and if you want to reserve two spots, one for me and my father, or even three places if mom wants to come is it still £25, or is £25/person and if i can reserve for three can i send a check for £75?

14th Jul 2006, 21:56
Cheque in the post, apologies for the delay.


17th Jul 2006, 17:17
hey, is there still spaces available for the seminar only, and if you want to reserve two spots, one for me and my father, or even three places if mom wants to come is it still £25, or is £25/person and if i can reserve for three can i send a check for £75?

Why on earth would you want to bring your mother and father? Are you expecting them to get a flying job with you?


24th Jul 2006, 17:27
Count me in, Cheque is in the post.
See you all there!!!

PPRuNe Pop
25th Jul 2006, 06:38
TWENTY-SIX people have responded to the seminar invitation so far. Where are the others who said they wanted a place? No matter. We are used to people saying one thing and meaning another. BUT................................
you are not going to get a chance like this, for free, anywhere. And where you have those with the knowledge to help you get on the ATPL ladder or to improve your way up it.

The PPRuNe Fund, is paying out over £500 just for the seminar. All YOU have to do is get there to ask all the questions you like, to hear from those in the know. You will hear facts not fiction, and you will hear how it is RIGHT NOW in the airline industry.

Can't have it better that can you? I await your cheque, which you get back when you arrive, so that I can book you a place. There are plenty left - 34 in fact.

There is 8 weeks to go so I suggest you decide now.


25th Jul 2006, 06:42
Seeing as i've been sent overseas for 4 weeks by my boss, the missus is sending my cheque, should be there this week.

25th Jul 2006, 07:01
I have decided to accept one or two payments directly into the PPRuNe Fund account providing they come from abroad or just don't have a bank account.
Taking those basics on board you can PM me and I will let you know how to pay.
Please note however, if you fail to turn up you will not get a refund. There are no refunds. Only to those who attend and have pre-paid.
Still waiting for paid confirmation of those who placed their name on this thread!
I have sent you a PM 2 weeks ago regarding payment. Did you received it? :sad:

25th Jul 2006, 13:18
chq in post yesterday.

25th Jul 2006, 13:46
TWENTY-SIX people have responded to the seminar invitation so far. Where are the others who said they wanted a place? No matter. We are used to people saying one thing and meaning another.

Ah, Don. It was ever thus! I reckon there are about 300 or so who are regular posters within Wannabes, plus a thousand or more lurkers, and they're quite happy to spend between £30k and £100k to get trained, but they don't seem to want to know how they're going to get that money back!

Interesting that the vast majority of those that have stumped up the £25 (£25 for Pete's sake!) are not regular contributors. Thank you guys, you won't regret it!


25th Jul 2006, 14:57
Will you be there Scroggs? Be nice to see the face behind the character.. :E

EDIT: After checking my roster i'll have to withdraw, which is a shame. You identity is protected S - for now.


26th Jul 2006, 08:29
I'm not involved in the Seminar, but I will be at the Bash.

27th Jul 2006, 16:31
Interesting that the vast majority of those that have stumped up the £25 are not regular contributors.

Hmm, that is interesting! I think I fall into that category - but I am a regular reader. At this stage in the career (ATPL groundschool) I think I have more to learn than to contribute. The seminar sounds like an opportunity too good to miss.

Anyway, not quite sure what the point of this post is, but I just thought I'd pipe up, and take the chance to say thanks for all the sterling advice and knowledge I've picked up from PPRuNe!


27th Jul 2006, 17:59
Neil - it wasn't a dig at those who lurk! Rather, it was a little dig at those who pontificate and perhaps prefer not to listen! Perhaps most of all, it was a dig at those who say they'll come and then back out with nary another word...! In any case, don't take it too seriously! ;)


27th Jul 2006, 21:02
Hi Scroggs,

Don't worry, I didn't take it as a dig ;) Not sure what I was saying really! I'm amazed the seminar isn't already overbooked, seems like a fabulous opportunity. I might be slightly dazed though as it's the day after my first classroom brush-up finishes...

Anyway, look forward to putting some names to faces on the day.


27th Jul 2006, 22:39
Just found this thread, cheque will be in the post tomorrow morning. What's the score regarding accommodation?

girl friday
31st Jul 2006, 16:08
Hi there,

I've only just registered here (been lurking for quite a while) but would love to come to this, sounds like a great chance to ask all the questions i'm too scared to put on the boards for fear of getting my head bitten off!

cheque in the post, thanks to all those organising:)

girl friday

1st Aug 2006, 09:51
Cheque in the post today.
Looking forward to the Seminar :ok:

1st Aug 2006, 12:38
Mine's in the post too. Looking forwards to it! Thanks!

PPRuNe Pop
2nd Aug 2006, 18:38
Got them both thanks.

This is the latest position. We have over 40 now and the original plan was to offer places to 50 wannabes, we can now extend that to 60 - but that's it I am afraid.

Soooooooo, please get your cheques to me for £25 with your name and username on the back. All the details are on page 1.

Remember, there are only around 18 places left.

It is still first come first served.


2nd Aug 2006, 19:29
Hello PPP!!!

I've send you the money!!! Pls check your bankaccount!


nick p
2nd Aug 2006, 19:42
sent mine on monday, should have it by now.

3rd Aug 2006, 12:01
Hello all. New to the PPRuNe forums owing to a desire for a change in career, what a fantastic resource btw.

Anyway, are there still places left on the 23rd cos if so I'd like to pop a cheque in the post asap!


3rd Aug 2006, 18:43
Allright all,

I'm off to the seminar ont 23rd and live in Chorley, lancs so if there's anyone from the lancs/manchester area who wants a lift down feel free to PM me and ask as its a long drag for us northerners.

Obviously busty girls will have preference over blokes but this good deed may just get me through the pearly gates one day.


3rd Aug 2006, 19:52
Likewise for anyone coming down from the Midlands (I'm in Notts).

3rd Aug 2006, 22:00
And likewise for anyone travelling from the Bristol area :)

6th Aug 2006, 16:24
Hi Hamrah,

Thanks for taking the time to organize this (and also to anyone else behind the scenes). I reserved places a while ago but this is the first opportunity I've had to get online.


This post is to give you... ...and to ask you what topics you would like to see covered during the seminar...

Would it be possible to get some airline bods who are directly involved with the selection processes, so we can find out just what they are looking for when they pick up our CVs, and what aspects of our previous lives they're interested in etc. I'd like to suggest inviting Phil Brockwell from CentreLineAir (he seems to be a willing pprune contributor) and perhaps another from a larger, multi-pilot jet operator. Even if these people would be prepared to come along and chat directly to indivduals if presentation time is limited.

Looking forward to the day

GonnaB (not Wannabee):8

PPRuNe Pop
8th Aug 2006, 06:16
There is still a few who think they only have to say "put my name down." That is NOT the way it works. YOU get your your name on the list when I receive your cheque for £25, which is refundable, unless you don't turn up, and then I put you on the list. Please read page one for all the details.

As for spaces available, they are filling up and I cannot accept more than another 13 - which takes us up to 60.

This has always been first come first served and if you want a place the choice is up to you. No cheque no place reserved.

This a free seminar being paid for out of the PPRuNe Fund and, therefore, you will get your cheque back when you arrive. Remember this is a great opportunity to hear about the airline industry from prople who know.


8th Aug 2006, 08:25
Cheque in post this morning


Kaptain Kipper
9th Aug 2006, 07:30
I know that you can't confirm my place until you get my cheque, I just hope that the BFPO system that is delivering it from the Gulf gets it there in time! Would appreciate some info about sim checks, and writing that all important CV that makes mine stand out from the rest. Cheers - looking forward to it.

9th Aug 2006, 17:15
Hi there, I am very interested in attending the seminar and will pop a cheque in the post tomorrow morning. I am fully aware that I am not included until you receive my cheque, but just wanted to express my intrestest in attending.


FDD :)

11th Aug 2006, 10:50
Cheque is in the post.


PPRuNe Pop
11th Aug 2006, 11:19

The first cheques in after the last name on the list will get them. I cannot increase the numbers, having done it once already - I have tried. :ugh:


PPRuNe Pop
12th Aug 2006, 15:46
Now only TWO! Those who have applied may have chqs in the post OR about to send. The first 2 chqs I receive from Monday will be the lucky ones. :D

I rx'd 4 cheques this morning and have updated the list of those who have a place booked. If your name is ON there you are in if it is NOT you have missed out. When the available places have gone I will start a short standby list of FIVE - who I will notify if a places become available.

13th Aug 2006, 11:41
Has there been no sign of my cheque arriving? It was sent 1st class on the 8th.
Would hate to miss this.


PPRuNe Pop
16th Aug 2006, 19:02
Don't worry SF it was a small office error - well that's my excuse. Anyway you are in.

That is the 60 but I will add standbys up to 5 people. They will fill any given up places.

Thanks for your interest. The list is now closed.


16th Aug 2006, 21:32
Did my cheque ever turn up that I sent back in early July? I was reluctant to send another but I put another one in the post yesterday when I noticed there were only two places left. It's obviously too late now but I'll hold out for a standby place if I may, damn royal mail!:*

PPRuNe Pop
21st Aug 2006, 05:49
ZW, I did get your cheque on Friday but I am afraid you were too late. I have added your name to the wait list of FIVE only.

The list so far:

Zulu Whiskey
User 737

23rd Aug 2006, 22:11
Sounds great, but what about holding a similar seminar for us who are 'up north'!? - there can be many problems associted with getting to Surrey (and staying overnight) not least finance for the student pilot making his own way to the ATPL's out of his/her own pocket?

24th Aug 2006, 11:06
Let me get this straight: Pprune puts on a seminar to help you. There is no charge, just a returnable deposit to ensure you don't book and then don't turn up. It's presented by people who give up their spare time to help you for no reward. They are also travelling from all over the place at their own expense, and funding their own accommodation. But that's not good enough? Jeez...!


24th Aug 2006, 11:13
Count to ten Tim !

You cant please all of the people all of the time ! :ugh:

12th Sep 2006, 09:11
Hi there,

What time is the seminar starting exactly?



12th Sep 2006, 09:25
See here. (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2666018&postcount=39)


12th Sep 2006, 14:12


12th Sep 2006, 14:26
Do you have a 'reserve list' gents?

I'm interested in attending and can drive down on short notice.


PPRuNe Pop
14th Sep 2006, 12:31
OK guys and girls.

Here is the plan for the day.

Please arrive between 0900-0945. The seminar starts at 1000 sharp. You will receive a name tag which you must please wear at all times. Those staying for the bash will receive TWO because the bash colour is different to the seminar one.

Each attendee will receive their deposit cheque back unless you are staying for the bash. Those who do not turn up will lose their cheque to the PPRuNe Fund.

There will be a break for coffee and bites during the morning and one in the afternoon. Lunch is available in the Chequers Bar - 1 1/2 hours has been allowed for that. The fund will be paying for the coffee breaks but not for lunch.

The final session will end at 1630.

Please let me know if there is something you are not sure about. I will be at the registration table in the hotel foyer from 0830 to welcome you and get you checked in.

This is a really valuable seminar for all of you, whatever your aspirations, you will find it most useful. Ask as many questions as you like - in fact a good practice has been to write them down before you arrive.

Have a good time!


18th Sep 2006, 08:08
I take it that the dress code is 'business casual' (whatever that means?!)

18th Sep 2006, 11:39
Hello all,

I'm travelling down from Northampton in the morning, then heading into London once the seminar finishes.

Send me a PM if you want a lift on either of these journeys.

19th Sep 2006, 20:00
yeah what is the dress code?

21st Sep 2006, 11:52
I turned up 'suited and booted' for the first one of these and everyone else was wearing casual clothes from t-shirts and shorts to open neck shirts and faided jeans.

I wondered why people kept asking me questions.....then the penny dropped....people had assumed that I worked for the hotel ! ! ! ! :}

I would suggest 'smart casual' unless anyone at the top suggests otherwise ?

Cheers all


21st Sep 2006, 19:58
Are there still spaces available for this event? Also, since its a bit late now, can we pay upon arrival?

22nd Sep 2006, 08:05
Can I second the above?

Are their any places left?

22nd Sep 2006, 11:37
Anyone staying at the Thistle tonight?

23rd Sep 2006, 18:58
I apologise to the people who arranged today for me not showing but a tempremental piece if italian shi*e is to blame ( a fiat brava that didn't want to go past sandbach services). I am gutted i missed the day but if its any concellation to anyone it cost me £150 to get towed off the motorway and another £99 to get towed home.And the car is n knackered forever .And all at 4:30am:(
I could do with finding wingbar and getting pissed and feeling sorry for myself.:{
P.S T REG Fiat Brava for sale with several boot marks and teethmarks in steering wheel

23rd Sep 2006, 20:35
Ouch, frustrating day bluepeely and gutting to miss it..sorry you had to go through that, wouldn't want to have been in your place!

Guess its not going to help bluepeely feel much better, but I just wanted to add a big thanks to Danny, Hamrah, PPRuNe Towers & Pop and the guest speakers for an excellent day - had to head off quickish so didn't get to say it in person. Very informative and useful day, appreciate you all taking the time out for it and hope you are enjoying getting very merry tonight! :ok:

23rd Sep 2006, 21:46
I'll second that - an extremely valuable seminar.

It's definitely given me some food for thought - what an insight into the industry.

Can't thank you all enough for contributing your time.

24th Sep 2006, 15:14
You all still wanna be pilots then or has it put you off. Feel free to spread to general jist of it.

Brava still for sale aswell .all offers welcome:{

24th Sep 2006, 15:52
Yes a big thank you to all the panel for sharing their expertise and giving up their valuable time, this was much appreciated, just sorry I had to run off afterwards but there's always the next time, a truely valuable experience that gave you the bones about the industry without the bulls*** on the outside.

Tops to PPRuNe :ok:

24th Sep 2006, 17:06
Would just like to echo wazoo's comments.

Huge thank you to all involved.

I hope that I will be able to offer my experiences and advice to wannabes in the future too.


Bluepeely sorry to hear about the car.

24th Sep 2006, 17:50
Same from me, increadibly valuable day from start to finish. Thank you for all the effort and giving up your free time for us.

Also thank you to the two of you who helped me push start my car afterwards.

Cheers all

24th Sep 2006, 18:40
Just like to say a BIG thank you to all those involved in organising the pprune Wanabee's Seminar and Gatbash. You've given us wanabee's something to aspire to!

C U next year



24th Sep 2006, 20:06
Aw thats not fair your car made it there:{

Can we please have next years do at manchester airport where i can walk to incase i breakdown again:ugh: . Or maybe my front room:}

25th Sep 2006, 10:22
Thanks to everyone who made the seminar possible, I found it really useful and especially enjoyed hearing about the experiences of the speakers. I would definately reccommend it to anyone interested in this career. Thanks again

25th Sep 2006, 14:54
I too have to agree with what has been said. I enjoyed the whole day. Very informative and the speakers were a great bunch and funny. Would recommend that you go to the next one. Cheers guys

25th Sep 2006, 21:37
Aye. Good seminar. Thanks guys. Very interesting hearing how you all got to where you are. And some top tips for us.

26th Sep 2006, 00:57
I had been hoping to come to the seminar on saturday as well but unfortunately this wasn't possible due to numbers. For those of us in my position, would those who did attend (or the speakers themselves?) be able to fill the unlucky few in on some details?
What was covered; has it changed your views; what are the realities of the job from the horses mouth (compared with the commonly held public perception of lots of time off and great pay!); was there much you garnered from the seminar that has not been covered a thousand times on PPRUNE; and perhaps most importantly, are all you wannabees STILL wannabees?!?

Gutted I couldnt attend but I'd also like to say thankyou to everyone involved in pprune who use up their own valuable free time to put on these events just to help guide others. I have been reading Pprune for months and your input has taught me a lot....but you still havent put me off the dream just yet! :}
Many thanks

26th Sep 2006, 15:11
Thanks very much to everyone at Pprune for Saturday's seminar day and giving your spare time to pass on your experience. Highly recommended to anyone who is considering a career in aviation, starting ATPL training or looking for a job.

28th Sep 2006, 12:34
I also were unable to attend as I didn't get in early enough to secure a place.

As the previous question posted by Plastic Ruler, I would like to know if the seminar reinforced your ambition to be a pilot or made you stop and reconsider in any way?

Any thoughts / highlights of the day greatly appreciated........

Many thanks:confused:

28th Sep 2006, 21:59
Jimbo-Jet and co

From my point of view the seminar just increased my ambition to become a commercial pilot. It was great to hear how the speakers all got where they are today and shows that it can be done. Don't get me wrong, it will be hard getting that first job, but the message they were giving us all was to get your foot into the aviation door first, then work your way up to that " Shiney Jet Job " after. For me thats the advice I will take and if it means working Air Taxi first, then so be it.
The topic of SSTR was spoken about, and the result?...well no suprise but it is here to stay. The way its paid for may change, but the onus on paying for the TR will be with the student.
Multi Crew Pilot licence ( MPL ) was also discussed, but I didn't quite understand it all, so I wont discuss it here for fear of getting wrong
CV's and what is expected and looked for was another topic which interested me. Again won't bore you with the details here so IM me if want it.
Q and A's at the end.
Speakers were great, very funny and finally got to put faces to names ( even saw the legendry SCRGOGGS )...Worth going to in future if you can. :p

29th Sep 2006, 22:08
I guess what info I have is only the bits that I felt applied to me and noted down. Some were taking furious notes throughout so they might have a more comprehensive account.

Some of the things I took away from the day:


Industry is in a good position, best its been for a long time. A lot of airlines hiring. Easyjet/Ryanair all have big quotas of pilots the need to fill next year. Massive growth in the Far/Middle East, drawing pilots away and opening up more vacancies.
Note tudeski's comment about SSTR. They are here to stay in one form or another. Whether you pay up front before getting a job, or pay the TR back through bonds/reduced salary.
Get your foot in the industry, its easier to move sideways and up in the inudstry once you're in, than go for the one job you want from the beginning.
At the same time have a 'go get em' attitude and be ambitious. Keep pestering/contacting the airlines, target your CVs and applications and don't give up.


At the top: DOB, Hours & experience. Have the most important things at the top so the recruiter can see them straight away.
Photos, coloured paper. No big deal either way, be don't over do it and be circumspect. No gaudy paper and huge photos, keep it professional.
Don't fudge your experience and try and inflate things. Be accurate and clear.
Low hours pilots - need a selling point, a hook to catch the recruiter. Find something to sell, e.g. Working under pressure, leadership/management experience. Always try to relate jobs/experiences listed on your CV to useful qualities and responsibilities etc.
One A4 page, don't worry about a cover letter unless asked for one.


Be ready for those spur of the moment questions to put you under pressure - most embarassing moment etc.
Know your context
Good company knowledge and background knowledge of the industry
Ask knowledgable questions at the end
Read forums like Tech Log/Airlines, Airports & Routes to get more background knowledge, useful little bits of info
Be ready for the caught between a rock and a hard place kind of questions, e.g. 'Tell us about a low fuel situation' or how you deal with other people or 'What was your worst incident in commercial aviation'

Thats most of the general stuff I had noted down, there was a lot more..some specific to my situation and some not relevant to what I was looking at..but all useful.

At one point before lunch they were a bit worried they had put us all off the idea of flying with an hour of doom and gloom stuff but there was a resounding NO from the audience! Its good to be aware of the state of things, its not the glamourous job it used to be, Ts&Cs are being eroded slowely, its tough to get the break into the industry etc. But from all the people that spoke they all said it was definately worth it (either directly or from the enthusiasm with which they spoke about their jobs).

Hope thats of use to some. For the full version and the chance to get it from the horses mouth, make sure are quick to book a place when it next happens!

Plus it was good to put some faces to names on this forum! :ok:

30th Sep 2006, 07:25
I would like to add my thanks to each of you who gave of your time to participate in the seminar last Saturday. The information, ideas and stories of the progress of each of you gave depth to what sometimes can seem like a linear (and misleading!) concept of training and subsequent employment!
In partial answer to the question as to whether some of the negative aspects were off-putting- I am really a mini-wanabee but I have to say that (for some reason!) my flying lesson this past week had an added dimension of insight and focus. For that I am grateful to all at Pprune Towers!
It was also a bonus to have had the opportunity to meet so many other wanabees in one place !! :O
All the best-

2nd Oct 2006, 12:03
I can only add my thanks to all concerned in putting on this seminar and for all who gave their time freely to present on the day.

I would thoroughly recommend any future events on the back of the interest relevance and style of this one.

An excellent chance to get together and talk with people who are currently aspiring and also to those who have progressed and seen and done most things within commercial aviation.

One again many thanks
