View Full Version : Thomsonfly UK bases

13th Jun 2006, 07:02
Hi all!
What bases does Thomsonfly UK have in Britain? Just curious as I might be moving to one of them... My boyfriend has had a very vague job offer so I don't know any details yet. And the next question is, what other airlines operate from these? If we move, I might consider applying to one. He's a pilot and I'm a hostie. What do you say, should I give this a go?

13th Jun 2006, 07:25
London Gatwick, Manchester, London Luton, Coventry, Doncaster Sheffield, Bournemouth, Cardiff, Glasgow, Newcastle, Nottingham East Midlands and Birmingham are probably the main bases for TOM. Obviously routes served from an additional 13 other UK airports.

Depends what type of aircraft your boyfriend will be flying really. If 737 then Coventry, Doncaster Sheffield and Bournemouth would be the best bet...anything bigger (757, 767) other bases would be used although Doncaster uses them all, however Coventry/midlands area would also give straight forward connections to Birmingham, Nottingham East Midlands, and even Manchester...so for variation, go for central england!!
