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View Full Version : Al Zarqawi mumbled something before he died...What was it he said?

9th Jun 2006, 20:09
The troops attending to Al Zarqawi's departure for other environs said he mumbled something when he recognized US Troops standing beside around his litter.

What was it he said? Any suggestions?;)

9th Jun 2006, 20:15
Was it: Yes, of course I'd tell you my name if only you'd take my boŁŁocks out of this vice? :eek:

9th Jun 2006, 20:17
"I'd love a pork chop cooked in cider"


"I thought if I turned myself in I might live to keep the $25M"


"I hope the virgins are male"


"must...vote...in...big...brother...eviction........ ughhhh."

Conan the Librarian
9th Jun 2006, 20:24
"At Least, I will miss the World Cup..."


9th Jun 2006, 20:31
"That Tony Blair's an alright bloke, isn't he? Wouldn't mind a pint or two down the Dog and Duck with him one day."

9th Jun 2006, 20:42
"Ow, that really hurt" (I hope)

9th Jun 2006, 20:49
Probably trying to whistle "Always look on the bright side of life".

9th Jun 2006, 20:51
“Bu99er – I knew I should have updated my JPA NoK details.”

9th Jun 2006, 21:15
"Are you the virgin......oooh, bugger. They lied!"

9th Jun 2006, 21:31
'You Yanks couldn't have got me with 200 hundred jets let alone 2 so I presume you got the RAF to do your dirty work for you.'

9th Jun 2006, 21:41
I just hope that those 72 virgins that he was promised all come from Essex!:E

9th Jun 2006, 21:41
I didn't think much of the Da Vinci Code either......

9th Jun 2006, 21:53
It's just a flesh wound. I can still have you all


Leave it Achmed she's not worth it


Vulcan to the sky in 2006 ? Dont make me laugh

9th Jun 2006, 22:09
"I tried to catch the bloody thing didn't I"


"Does this make my intestines look big?"


"I can't feel my legs...are they still there?"


9th Jun 2006, 22:18
'You Yanks couldn't have got me with 200 hundred jets let alone 2 so I presume you got the RAF to do your dirty work for you.'

But at least we do have the 200 jets! And you?!:}

9th Jun 2006, 22:26
Hopefully he prayed to his god....

And nobody listened.

And I hope it hurt!!

Glass Half Empty
9th Jun 2006, 22:31
Look what you are doing with that laser pointer you could cause someone serious damage here.

9th Jun 2006, 22:34
"But at least we do have the 200 jets! And you?!"

Why do you spams ALWAYS bite:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Permanent Sand
9th Jun 2006, 22:39
"All you army lot seem to have a mexican mustache......Oh no, go easy on my rusty bullet hole please!"

9th Jun 2006, 23:10
you normally only send the bailiffs for overdue council tax

Runaway Gun
9th Jun 2006, 23:14
Did anyone jot down the number plate on that truck?

9th Jun 2006, 23:16
Ahmed: What was that bang boss?

Zaqarwi: Not sure, sounded a bit like John Prescott dropping in

9th Jun 2006, 23:28
""Does this make my intestines look big?"


OK...now THAT'S just plain funny !!!

9th Jun 2006, 23:40
"Someone sure dropped a Clanger!"

Charlie Luncher
10th Jun 2006, 01:06
"At least I don't have to sit through any more pre-deployment lectures":E
Charlie sends

10th Jun 2006, 01:39

"Now..............no-one................will.................know.............tha t............I've.............been..............posting..... .........on ................PPRuNe.............as....................... ....................ABIW

10th Jun 2006, 06:13
"F:mad: ck me, I reckoned BEagle would have made at least 20,000 posts before I copped it"

10th Jun 2006, 06:19
"72 Virginians? Oh bugger".

Load Toad
10th Jun 2006, 06:49
Is the Sea Harrier thread still running?

10th Jun 2006, 06:51
"Yes, MOD I would like to make a low flying complaint.......Well put me through to the USAF then"

10th Jun 2006, 07:03
Whoever's doing it could you stop that bl@@dy whistling:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

10th Jun 2006, 08:17
"Holy Shiite!"

"You ain't no virgin!"

Doors Off
10th Jun 2006, 11:07
"I'd love a can of Passiona":zzz:

Hold West
10th Jun 2006, 11:48
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! ...ah, you Americans never did appreciate opera....


WE Branch Fanatic
10th Jun 2006, 11:54
Someone clean this place up, it looks like a bomb just hit it.....

Krystal n chips
10th Jun 2006, 12:26
"So why not send me a compulsory purchase order like anybody else then ?--just cos you want to put a new bypass in "


" I thought Tony Blair was against anti-social behaviour".


"I want that tŁŁt prosecuted for low flying "

10th Jun 2006, 13:48

London Mil
10th Jun 2006, 14:01
"Don't forget my Human Rights"

"Ooooooh, that smarted!"

"Did I put clean undies on this morning?"

"aaaw, f##k!"

10th Jun 2006, 14:01
"Quick!. Hide the Holy Grail!"

Colonal Mustard
10th Jun 2006, 15:12
"Will my application for a house in Forest gate be affected?, tell my family to put on the form that i will join them as soon as i can find a safe route out of the country:ok: "

10th Jun 2006, 15:56
Where's Waldo?

Maple 01
10th Jun 2006, 16:17

Do you have the number of Ambulance Chasers Direct?

Tell Mr Galloway I still love him……..

The BBC shall hear of this!!

10th Jun 2006, 17:00
"Please don't announce that I was at 'The Last Supper".

"Anyone got an elastoplast on them?"

"Don't mention Bush, as it only hurts when I laugh."

"Will I get a war pension for this ringing in my ears?"

"That's not quite the blow job I asked for".

10th Jun 2006, 17:03
"hey can someone get me an aspirin..I feel like someones just dropped a tonne of bricks on me"


"Throw me a fricken bone"

or in his his best Billy Idol impression....

"Eyes without a face......"

:p :E

10th Jun 2006, 17:51
OK Allah, I admit it (groan) -- UWAS does rule OK"

10th Jun 2006, 20:14
I see that you are still unable to spell your "Rank" correctly, although your "observations" are still as offensive as ever - particularly to those serving personnel who are not "Anglo Saxon" but are, through choice, loyal members of HM Armed Forces.

In many cases they are following in the distinguished example set by their forebears in the service of the Crown in 2 World Wars and inumerable "skirmishes" and "Frontier Incidents" over the last 200 years.

I suggest that you take your xenophobic views elsewhere.

May I suggest that those who agree with me simply respond with "Concur".

10th Jun 2006, 20:45
"I take it you're not happy with me then?" :uhoh:

10th Jun 2006, 21:05
The last round's on Uncle Sam !!:}

Hope the c:mad: t hurt like hell as he waited for the ovens to warm up. I think Mr Bigley's brother summed it up succinctly. Just imagine the c:mad: t's face when St Peter turned him away with "nil points" and told him his virgins were actually the Julian Clary fan club !! :D

10th Jun 2006, 21:12
I see that you are still unable to spell your "Rank" correctly, although your "observations" are still as offensive as ever - particularly to those serving personnel who are not "Anglo Saxon" but are, through choice, loyal members of HM Armed Forces.
In many cases they are following in the distinguished example set by their forebears in the service of the Crown in 2 World Wars and inumerable "skirmishes" and "Frontier Incidents" over the last 200 years.
I suggest that you take your xenophobic views elsewhere.
May I suggest that those who agree with me simply respond with "Concur".

Well, now, you have inferred that which was not implied.

CM implied that terrorist scum have been granted sanctuary in the United Kingdom, despite, in several cases, their apparent hatred for Western Civilisation. You have inferred that CM was saying that all middle eastern immigrants were terrorists. Nothing of the sort was in evidence in his post - merely in your imagination.

I would suggest that it is not the colour of your skin that is of import, just the thickness. You either have not just a chip, but a sack of Maris Pipers, on your shoulder, or you are a bit stupid. That is certainly what I infer from your post. You certainly lack a sense of humour.

walter kennedy
10th Jun 2006, 23:27
He could have been expressing concern for the wellbeing of those that were around him and nearby.

10th Jun 2006, 23:48
May I suggest that those who agree with me simply respond with "Concur".

I believe Zarqawi's last words were "Do not concur".

11th Jun 2006, 00:12
I concur_____with Confucious, who leaves nothing more to be said!

Nicely put!

Maple 01
11th Jun 2006, 05:02
I said "you're standing on my aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrg"

11th Jun 2006, 05:16
Best Dr Evil voice:

"OOOOUUUUWW.. You bombed me you a-holes"

I think King Edward the first summed the situation up best:

...""A man does good business when he rids himself of a turd".".


11th Jun 2006, 06:40
That's the last time I decorate my house with red crosses after drawing England in the sweepstake!!!!

11th Jun 2006, 10:09
"Kiss me Hardy"

11th Jun 2006, 13:34

Reeelaaaaxx!! Ahhh! see thats better. I keep reading CM's post over and over again but cannot find anything offensive in it, even if i try to imagine its offensive, it just isn't.

Lafyar Cokov
11th Jun 2006, 14:00
Famous Last Words: This'll have 'em guessing on PPRUNE...

11th Jun 2006, 15:28
Ok. Who set light to the beer f*rt ?

11th Jun 2006, 15:54
"You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"


"I woulda got away with it if wasn't for you pesky kids!"

11th Jun 2006, 16:07
I see that you are still unable to spell your "Rank" correctly,

I suspect that a "rank" is not being implied but a humourous reference to an anatomical region. I believe some cultures have a thing called colonal irrigation, although in England it is normally colonic. Did I say "normal" in the same sentence?!


11th Jun 2006, 17:26
"So seriously, you're saying that the 72 virgins are all crewmen who didn't bag a Carrickfergus Commando?"


Colonal Mustard
11th Jun 2006, 18:23
Cazatou........... ANYONE serving in the HM Forces regardless of race,colour,creed OR religion gets my thumbs up.....and i`ll buy ANYONE serving in HMAF who appears in my local a pint anytime..

As to my quote, I STICK by it, whilst i apologise if it offends you or anyone else, you must remember this IS a free country for which this right has been defended for thousands of years.

Its MY view of today`s society and if i dont like it NO i wont leave, i would defend that right.

God save Her Majesty

(mustard climbs back into his cave):ok:

11th Jun 2006, 19:38
Can you play rock the casbah at my funeral? :E

11th Jun 2006, 20:13
' Does my bum look big in this...oh yes it does!!' :rolleyes:


' I hear with my little ear, something beginning with B....':D :D

Colonal Mustard
11th Jun 2006, 20:23
"U.S. forces killed terrorist al-Zarqawi in an air strike. We didn't get the devil on 666, but we only missed by one day. ... He was hit by two 500 pound bombs. In fact, al-Zarqawi's name is now ow-ow-ow-Zarqawi. ... You know what his last words were? 'Holy Shiite.'" --Jay Leno

11th Jun 2006, 20:36
- "Hamad, how do you turn this Satphone off?"

- "'tis but a scratch"................."It's just a flesh wound"........................."Oh, I see, running away, eh?! You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's comin' to ya! I'll bite your kneecaps off!"

- "Is it too late to say Sorry please?"

(Cazatou its you against the world again! Thank god for the ignore list function of PPRuNe.):ugh:

11th Jun 2006, 21:22
I should have been in the middle of Kabul.....Not KaBoom!.

Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Oh Sh1t, Hello Beelzebub.

11th Jun 2006, 22:06
SALAD DODGER - you are way too fast for me
Oh well, here is mine entry

"The Black Jihadist always triumphs"

11th Jun 2006, 22:17
Not wishing to hijack the thread, but what about the last words he might have heard before fading away?

My guess is either "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated" or "Sorry, chum, you're chopped".

11th Jun 2006, 22:36
What about the words of the F-16 jocks? I imagine they were somewhat satisfied with their day's work. I'd think a beer or two was in order, if US forces weren't so Southern Baptist over their views on alcohol on ops.

"Yeehah, Jester's dead" springs to mind for some reason.

11th Jun 2006, 23:15

Catholics don't recognize birth control.....Methodists do not recognize baptism.....Baptists do not recognize each other in the Liquour Store.

12th Jun 2006, 02:52
"I was just telling the guys I'd thort I'd go out and get bombed tonight..."

12th Jun 2006, 05:13
According to Al' the Geezer - that well known rumour monger from the Sand Dancer's Arms in Bayswater - what he said when translated from the Arabic was:

"Curse you Red Baron! I spit on your Holy 500 Pounder of Anticoh...cough! cough! ...u-urr-rgh."

12th Jun 2006, 13:05
"I told you - paint the target sign on MY house, then we are guaranteed that the devil-dogs of the US Air Force will not be able to hit it in a month of ramadans."

Big Bear
12th Jun 2006, 13:16
'I knew it was a bad idea to fly the Union Flag outside the house'

12th Jun 2006, 13:50
Aaiiiiiieeeeee Spitfure!

Call Cazatou......tell him...cough....I love him also

EC Does It
12th Jun 2006, 14:16
According to US Intelligence sources, Al Zarqawi was only a few years into his terrorist "career" yet had managed to cause untold death, destruction and misery.

Thats the problem with the youth of today, they blow up so fast....

12th Jun 2006, 14:22
Ah yes quite true....however his decision to retire came in a flash!

12th Jun 2006, 14:23
"What took you so long?"

EC Does It
12th Jun 2006, 14:27
Everyone kept banging on about something else.....

13th Jun 2006, 14:41
I remember telling George he could drop in anytime.:}

13th Jun 2006, 15:08
"Now then no 1, where are these Mutant Sea Bass with fricken lazzerrs strapped to their heads?"

13th Jun 2006, 16:21
"But Charles Clarke promised me my own luxury pad in Forest Row after just a 2 day stint in Leyhill Open nick".

Sorry, very non-PC, but probably a bit too close to the truth for it NOT to be said :ok:

Pontius Navigator
13th Jun 2006, 19:16
You're all wrong. Apparently he was alive for an hour after they found him.

Now we get the chance for a full blown Shakespearian soliloquy.

"I said, once more into the breach dear friends, but they said the hole in the wall was too small and they were too fat. Then, like the gentle dew falling from the heavens our prayers were answered and the wall was rent assunder.

As I lay there wondering at the stars in the firmament I realised there were 51 of them.

neigh whole clusters of them, just like the Pliedes

as someone gently tugged at my bollocks to see if I was OK.

Alas I felt not a thing as they were in the next room :}

14th Jun 2006, 20:02
Achmed. Make sure the thread on Pprune goes on and on and .......

16th Jun 2006, 20:43
'you have not heard the last of me you western pigdogs, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of ......croak

16th Jun 2006, 20:59
As he heard the whistle of 500 pounders, he popped a message into his favourite pigeons saddlebags,to his best mate Abu Hamza al-Muhajir...........

"Didnt want the job anyway !, That Laden Bin's a T*** for forcing folk into jobs they dont want, its yours mate Im off"

16th Jun 2006, 23:22
"Answer the door love!"

Maple 01
16th Jun 2006, 23:41
It is Allah’s will if I live or......ahhhh bugger.........

16th Jun 2006, 23:59
"Oy, careful, you'll have some fakir's eye out with that."

17th Jun 2006, 00:35
"You'll never take me alive, copper"

OK, have it your way.

17th Jun 2006, 04:38
What the f:mad: k was that.....?

The Real Slim Shady
17th Jun 2006, 08:26
"Feckin' Carling Black Label drinkers. Bring me a Heine......."

17th Jun 2006, 09:09
To the tune of Yesterday:

Insurgency, little bits keep dropping off of me
I'm not half the man I used to be
Oh I believe in insurgency

17th Jun 2006, 15:57
'No worries Ahmed. The spams couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo at this range.'

17th Jun 2006, 17:15
Zarqawi: 'I thought they were doing us in alphabetical order.'

Sheik Aardvark: 'er...sorry, boss'


18th Jun 2006, 08:10
' I want one thing written on my sand castle, here lies Zarqawi, and he's bloody annoyed!':{


Was he listening to Phil Collins when he died.. !! :}

Human Factor
18th Jun 2006, 10:56
I really couldn't be bothered to type anything else.

victor two
18th Jun 2006, 12:15
"....come on in, the door's open........"

19th Jun 2006, 21:06
Not read them all but here goes anyway.

Watch this for a suicide bombing!!!

20th Jun 2006, 14:15
Whats that whistling? Will someone take the ruddy kettle off the stove!

Gaz ED
21st Jun 2006, 13:48
"Paveway 2, Paveway 4, who's that knocking on my front door?":D

WE Branch Fanatic
21st Jun 2006, 13:54
B1, B52, A10, F15, F16.............BINGO

Gaz ED
21st Jun 2006, 14:07
(sings) B......L......7....5........5.. and there's no reply!

I'll get me coat..

21st Jun 2006, 17:26
"Osama lives at number ... eeeueggghhh".

Maple 01
21st Jun 2006, 18:11
But I have no links with the Taliban.........


22nd Jun 2006, 05:58
But I'm British, all my family live there!

walter kennedy
22nd Jun 2006, 22:07
Relax! Those stupid Americans will never realise that Bush's speech writer is one of my agents ...

23rd Jun 2006, 12:41
"Dont i just look like my twin brother"!!

Mr Proachpoint
24th Jun 2006, 09:49
Aw, chuffin' 'eck! I just forked out 40 quid for a bleedin' doorbell and you geezers kick my blinkin' door down!

Ooh, I think might need a wee lay down........

I take it you are here about the gas bill........

Take what ever you want. I don't need any more trouble....

Aw, jeez, I'd only just got the kids to sleep!

F-16? F-schmixteen!

"Mum always said treat others as you would like them to treat you"

An yo can tell dat Tony Soprano dat ma family know people. Tell him he can run......

Snort, snigger! Oh George W, you'll be the death of me!


Mr Proachpoint
24th Jun 2006, 10:24
Yup...... yup...... ok, yup....... I'll turn the stereo down. We'll be going out soon anyway. Yup, sorry, yup, yup, ok, thanks, bye.

You idiots! I just wanted another window in the lounge! I'm not paying for all this............

What a man does with his goat is his own business, now piss off!

Guys, I'm serious, we gotta clean this mess up before the wife gets home.

Right you kids, thats the end of the chemistry set!

Wow, they sound so much closer tonight.........


Mr Proachpoint
24th Jun 2006, 11:28
I thought you 'Extreme Makeover' folks were meant to ship me off to Florida or somewhere while you pimped out my house. Just a bit of a suprise that's all....... No I am not ungrateful, just not what I expected, thats all.

Hey not fair! I hadn't finished counting to 100! Jeez..............

You wait 'til Saddam hears about this....

Um, just before you go, can you give me a hand to get this 2 by 4 out of my butt?

Where's the dog kennel gone?

What the hell is that burning smell? Oh, it's my torso. Damn.


Mr Proachpoint
24th Jun 2006, 12:05
Now you're getting hysterical! Your brother is the supposed carpenter, have a go at him, he said this wall wasn't load-bearing!

Now the neighbours can see right into our bedroom!

Oh well, at least we won't pay so much for rates next quarter.

I didn't say half the **** they said I said. Not even, um, jeez, nup, na, they misquoted me completely. I've a good mind to call my lawyer.

You shag one goat and you get labelled. And that's the game............

Bet you didn't get resource consent for that big hole in the street. The council are gonna have a field day with you guys.

Bet half you punks can't even grow a beard. Don't have a go..........

Honey, Oomfoofoo, just called. Her and Mohammed are staying in tonight. They'll bring the holiday snaps around some other time.

This used to be such a quiet neighbourhood. It all started with those Laden boys and their motorbikes.

You guys scared the **** of the milkman.


24th Jun 2006, 14:43
What do you mean their is a shortage of virgins in heaven!

24th Jun 2006, 15:07
I just hope that those 72 virgins that he was promised all come from Essex!:E
if u can find a virgin in essex you can knit fog:ok:

24th Jun 2006, 23:07
Then once told there was a shortage of virgins in heaven, he said wait a minute! I am not an airline pilot, you cannot change my terms and conditions! I am under contract with the highest authority, not Alpa or Balpa.
Jimmy Hoffa was not my religion from the teamsters, did he take all the virgins?
Must be some mistake!

Conan the Librarian
25th Jun 2006, 00:56
"Can I have my Satphone back? I want to watch the football..."
