View Full Version : Regular flying and breast implants

6th Jun 2006, 12:51
Not normally something I'd be posting about...
But I figured this might be the forum where I'd mostly likely get a response...only because I don't know many men with breast implants and the majority of cabin crew tend to be female....it might, however, be one for the medics amongst us...
I have been asked by a female friend of mine who is thinking of "going under the knife", if anyone who has had this surgical procedure and flies on a regular basis would like to share any (negative) experiences they've had?
I've never heard of such a procedure being grounds for dis-qualifying you from the job of flightcrew but anyone got any comments?
Knowledge of any pertinent medical issues, suggestions, advice, warnings would be appreciated on her behalf.
I did once observe Pamela Andreson onboard a flight I was on, and she seemed fairly normal....if thats the right adjective to use...

7th Jun 2006, 13:42
THere's quite a lot of hosties who've had boob jobs and I've never heard of any of them having any problems. On the contray, two that I actually work with have said it's never been an issue for them.

7th Jun 2006, 13:59
Well lets not forget the story (or is it an urban legend) of the crewmember who decided to get a boob job done "downroute" in southafrica....on the way home the stitches burst and she bled to death in the toilet!!!

8th Jun 2006, 07:50
The possible problem with them being affected by the changes in pressure has been tested in labs and pressure tanks etc.
No problem!