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View Full Version : When you know that you have been flying too long:

5th Jun 2006, 16:49
when you know that you have been flying too long:
-when you try to put your balcony door in flight.
-when you check for lifevests under your sofa.
-when you seal your bar after you took out beverages.
-when you look up whenever you hear a ding-dong.
-when you eat standing over the garbage bin.
-when you then clean your hands with the curtain.
-when you search for the crewgate at the mall.
-when you try to set the brake of your shopping cart.
-when you say bording completed after visitors have entered your home.
-when you want to fasten your seat belt while watching TV.
-when you put magazines in your hallway.
-when you make an announcement about the emergency exits in your car...
any more ideas???

6th Jun 2006, 12:37
when your on the phone and you need to spell something it goes something like this........pappa - india - zulu - zulu - alpha rather than ....pee - eye etc.!

you notice airport codes in car registration plates!

Off to the job centre.


6th Jun 2006, 14:32
-when you religiously disinfect the toilet seat every time before sitting on it!
-when you ask friends if they want chicken, beef or vegetarian!
-when you arrange your perfumes as a duty free display with a teddy on top!

Tripple sec
6th Jun 2006, 16:13
:p when you always ask "any discount for ID?"
:p when you pissed off if the drink you orderd comes without peanuts.(in the restaurant)
:p when you think you should put some flowers in your toilet!
:p when you knock the toilet befor enter!
:p when you know so well how to make these cocktail; Bloody Marry, Screw Driver, Browcow, whisky Sour, etc..
:p when you go to Crew Baggages and look for your bag on your personal trip.
:ok: happy landing...hee hee

6th Jun 2006, 20:46
You need more than 1 bottle to make a martini (the mini ones of course!)

Your day bag has more stuff in it than your apartment does

You think that Subway, Starbucks etc are legitimate places to 'eat out'

A 'good trip' is one where no one has thrown up on you, pinched your bottom, or asked for a pen

- you stand up in your kitchen at home, eating your food as fast as you can, burn your tongue, then wipe your hands and mouth on the curtain when you're done

- you try to put your car door into the 'armed' position

- you sit down at the movies and try to find your seatbelt, then start doing the silent review before the movie starts

- you answer your phone saying "XX at L1, doors are armed and crosschecked"

- You pass other people in the supermarket aisles bum to bum

- You use your friend's toilet, then clean up and fold the toilet paper into a triangle

- You start off loading shopping out of your car when your partner keeps you waiting

- When asked for directions to the toilet you use two hands to point

-everywhere you go you check the emergency exits.

-you're the only one who knows where the emergency torch is in your hotel room on holidays.

-at dinner time meals are served on matching trays and the wine glasses and cutlery have been knocked off from another airline.

-everywhere you go you demand a discount... just because you can.

-you don't go anywhere without your lippy, nail file, first aid kit and 3 spare pens.

-at the park your kids are hiding in embarassment because you insist on evacuation drills at the top of the slippery-dip.

-at the local pool you "save" people from drowning who are actually just waving to their friends.

-when you're out for a meal you hide the rolls, butter, sugar and salt sachets in your handbag for "later on".

-you wake up in a strange room, in a strange bed, not knowing what time it is or where you are

* You carry a personal first aid kit around with you and have tablets and remedies for every conceivable ailment in your handbag

* When someone asks you what a city is like you immediatly talk about how bad/good the hotel is (and forget about the actual city)

* Your hotel taste becomes fussier. What may seem as 5* luxury to someone else becomes to you a filthy cess pit full of ants, dirty carpet and "that rude waiter in the restaurant on the 4th floor"

* You refuse to let anyone sit in your car without a seatbelt on/ you harness your dogs into the back seat with a seatbelt.

* Your wine collection is 50% mini size bottles from the aircraft and hotels.

* You dont buy soap at the supermarket anymore... and your entire family has bathrooms full of hotel amenity kits.

* Every second thought when booking something is "airline discount?"

* You cant eat slowly even if you try

* When you hear chimes in a shopping centre/restaurant/public place you immediately look up

*You call the man you bump into "sir" when you apologise

*You carry your passport in your handbag constantly

*You hate the sound of a seatbelt being taken off in the car
before the vehicle comes to a "complete stop"

*When someone asks for directions you point out the road as if indicating an emergency exit

If you do have stuff in your house, it's all stuff you've bought overseas, still boxed as you're never home to use it.

The Chemist knows which brand of sleeping pill you prefer and has them ready as soon as you walk in the door.

When a passenger yourself, you never ask for anything.

All call bells rhyme with the sound "Noooooo". (say it out loud to yourself!)

You have stuff on layby or back order in 10 different countries.

You always have heaps of change in your wallet/purse, but it's always in some strange currency that's of no use at the time.

You're used to being ignored, prodded, poked, spoken rudely to, giggled at, gawked at etc.

Tell people to "PUSH!" the bloody toilet door, all day-everyday.

Know how to order a beer in any country you fly to, but that's all you know.

...when travelling on a plane as a passenger you unfasten your seatbelt to get up and fasten it immediately behind your back...

...you put your oven on at home just to warm a bread roll...

...when using your friend's bathroom you wipe the washbasin with a tissue after use...

..when the phone rings in the middle of the night you give name and position...
...you have a collection of sickbags in your car, just in case....

...when someone asks you for your telephone number you give them your staff number...

...whenever you see a fire extinguisher you instinctively check its pressure gauge...

...your are an expert in remedies for sinus problems, stomach upset, headaches...

Give your boarding smile to the person in the bank.....

Are sick of people looking at you when you’re food shopping at some odd hour in uniform...................

Have clean underwear you have not looked at, in every bag you own............

Always go for the same aisle at the car park so when you land you dont have to think about where you are parked, you can just drag you arse up and down a few times to find ya car..............

Hate seeing the crew going to work looking all fresh, when you are coming back from a night flight looking like you need a week off.........................

Pay bills late, eat at any time day or night, what ever the food, and cabin secure every room of your house before leaving

After a meal at home you throw your dirty plates and glasses straight into the cupboard and slam them shut so nothing will fall out.

-Your mates drop you home and you get out of the car saying "Thanks Driver!"

-You won't let your friends rack-out on the floor at your house 'cos it's a safety hazard.

-When your toilet at home gets dirty you lock it off.

-Hearing about a contest offering travel as a prize makes you shudder inwardly.

-Your bedroom curtains have been drawn closed for three months straight.

-Any time a light bulb in you house blows you just stick a U/S label on it and carry-on.

6th Jun 2006, 21:44
You have spare time/days off and log onto a web site all about flying/cabin crew/pilots etc etc etc etc...



I'll get my coat.:\

7th Jun 2006, 20:04
This thread is hillarious! loving everyones comments so far. Here are a couple more that i find i do far more frequently than i should ....
*When making polite conversation with someone i dont know very well (whos not crew) having to fight the urge to say "What you got next?"
* Going for the latches everytime i shut the kitchen cupboard
* When talking to someone about what time i will arrive by car cant help saying "when i land ..."
* looking for macys or abercrombie when im in the uk
* Mentally working out my sales tax when im standing in the queue to pay for something ..... but still, im in the uk!
* Going into a shop and asking an assistant where the bathrooms are and being looked at like im a nutter (not left the uk yet!)
* Assume that all the waiting staff in a resteraunt are bitching about me in the kitchen cos i asked them for a glass of water, not once ... but twice!!

8th Jun 2006, 11:02
when your on the phone and you need to spell something it goes something like this........pappa - india - zulu - zulu - alpha rather than ....pee - eye etc.!
you notice airport codes in car registration plates!
Off to the job centre.

S**T I am not the only weirdo here then!!!!! :E:E:E
I am also starting to notice airport 4-letter-codes, which is slightly worrying...

PS: Maybe something our caterers should do too to practice airport codes......still they haven't understood the difference between VARNA = VAR and VERONA = VRN and keep messing up our catering!!!! :ugh:

8th Jun 2006, 16:37
Using the phoenetic alphabet is extremely useful outside aviation too, you know.

I use it all the time and so do others I deal with... and my job has nothing to do with aviation!

The letters M and N, also F and S, can easily be misheard especially on the phone so spelling phoenetically is very useful to avoid c*ck-ups. :ok:

8th Jun 2006, 16:49
I use it @ the travel agent I work at all the time and not just when on the phone.....when talking to someone face to face, so I know there's no confusion, coz some of us are ultra-thick!!

cheers ;)

8th Jun 2006, 19:34
-you wake up in a strange room, in a strange bed, not knowing what time it is or where you are

... and you're at home.