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B Fraser
5th Jun 2006, 15:41
I was having a chat with a doc this afternoon and he mentioned that there is a virus doing the rounds at the moment that triggers labarynthitis. He has seen a number of cases in the past week. The symptoms are sudden bouts of extreme dizziness (vision can be affected). The infection can pass in as little as a matter of hours or in acute cases, the victim can be confined to bed for a few weeks as any movement can cause disorientation, chucking up your breakfast etc.

The good news is that direct human to human communication is unlikely.

7th Jun 2006, 13:42
Had that last year - Its one of the most horrible things that can happen to you. 2 weeks in bed - had to crawl to the bathroom as I couldn't walk for falling down.

Once you have had it (apparently) - you are more susceptable to get it again.

Touch wood - not had it so far.


Stop Stop Stop
14th Jun 2006, 17:43
I had this in May. The first symptom I had was a 'squelchy' ear which I thought was possibly water in my ear from the shower. No pain at all. I flew the day after (I am an airline pilot) and felt a little unwell on my third sector. I recovered during the turn around but on my last flight (back to my base) I experienced vertigo (spinning sensation) which made me sick. If I sat absolutely still, I was OK but when I moved my head the vertigo would start again.

Once I struggled home I was in bed for a few days...felt absolutely lousy. I saw my GP who basically signed me off and said to rest. After a further week, although all the vertigo had gone and I felt better in myself, my ear still felt 'squelchy' so I was sent to see a private ENT consultant. I was very concerned because I feared that I might have Menieres disease (which is 'bye bye' Class 1) but after a thorough examination of my ear, with pressure testing and a hearing test, I was passed as fit to fly. The squelchyness I was told would disappear over time and the diagnosis was Labarynthitis caused by a virus.

All in all, this was a worrying time and I am glad that the symptoms disappeared by themselves.

Labarynthitis is a disease that can take a long time to improve and in some cases never does.

I found a very useful website that may help sufferers.


Mad Girl
14th Jun 2006, 19:32
I had this last year and was signed off work for a week as the doctors originally thought it was caused by a restriction in my neck and I couldn't walk without holding onto walls let alone drive to work.

Trip to the chiropractor and 1 week later - no neck problem - they decided it was a "cold in the inner ear" - how they describe Labarynthitis to the lay person.

Had to go on a 3 week course of pills which they also use to treat the likes of schizophrenia (?*!).

After being told that if it went on for 6 weeks I'd be in the hands of the ENT clinic - thankfully I recovered.

Also thankfully - I hadn't discovered the joys of flying at that point - so didn't have to ground myself.

I don't EVER want a repeat of it!!!!!!!!!!

21st Jun 2006, 23:41
I have had it for 8 weeks now and its only just starting to subside.

It put me in bed for a week and the rest of the time I have been walking around feeling like I have just consumed two bottles of wine. My Dr said the likelihood of getting it again is no more than anyone else getting it thank god.

I for one never want it again, Bl*@dy horrible, right in the middle of my CPL.:{

22nd Jun 2006, 10:40
I had this a couple of years ago, and was given Prochlorperazine (stemetil) for a couple of days which helped reduce the symptoms, so that I could at least walk without holding on to something.
I gather it shouldn't be taken long term though, but it worked for me.