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View Full Version : MoD's £500m contract secures Marshall jobs

1st Jun 2006, 10:53

Interesting to see what impact this will have, if any?

Just This Once...
1st Jun 2006, 11:02
A good article:

...contract means that employees will be working on a minimum of seven aircraft slots at any time.

...the key impact is...ensuring the longterm future is secure for approximately 500 staff who work on the Hercules...

All seems about right. A minimum of 7 ac stuck at MAe at all times, in order to ensure the key aim of employing 500 people.

We will reap what we sow.

Even MAe think we are mad.

1st Jun 2006, 11:59
Mr Broadburst said .... "We are celebrating the 40th anniversary of working on the aircraft this summer."

I don't think I would want to give any work to a company that takes so long on one aircraft ... is it nearly fixed yet???

Coat ... Getting...


1st Jun 2006, 17:58
Now let me see if I've got this right.

Given the length of this contract, it must mainly be for the C4/C5s.

The RAF website says that we have 25 of those and that they were new in 1998.

....... and they plan to be working on a minimum of 7 aircraft at a time? That's over 28% of the fleet!

1st Jun 2006, 18:17
....... and they plan to be working on a minimum of 7 aircraft at a time? That's over 28% of the fleet!

That's a minimum. Don't forget the ones being rectified at home base too...:uhoh:

Blodwyn Pig
1st Jun 2006, 18:32
love the photo in the article above, its a specailly modified aircraft with the crew entrance door on the right...:suspect:

C130 Techie
1st Jun 2006, 18:50
LFFC - It covers both J and K fleets until their respective OSDs. The old K still has some life in her yet although by the end after all the wing transplants etc she will be like 'triggers broom' (you know 6 new heads and 4 new handles but still the same old broom)

1st Jun 2006, 18:55
Here we go, a quick fix and Blodwyn is happy.