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View Full Version : Convert NZ CPL(H) to JAA CPL (H)

31st May 2006, 13:48
I have a NZ CPL (H) with 1789 hours total time, my UK CPL has lapsed since leaving the Navy, I am looking to return to the UK and I am looking for any advice on licence conversion i.e costs exams and possible employment ops once qualified.

Any thought or tips would gratefully received..:) :)

31st May 2006, 16:05
For the low down on renewing your UK CPL and/or changing your NZ CPL to a JAA licence: Go to www.srg.caa.co.uk Once there search for and then download LASOR's

LASORS is the CAA flight crew guide and it will detail in relatively straight forward terms what you'll have to do.

IMHO once you have an idea of the requirements Email the CAA detailing the licences you have - current and lapsed (including the relevant dates), types on licence, total hours and experience and get a written definitive answer. Sometimes they can be a little awkward so something in writing beforehand never hurts.

Good luck

PS Having been to NZ recently what on Earth is making you return to the UK :ugh: :{