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View Full Version : still no reply from SIA...why?

31st May 2006, 13:02
hi frens,i posted my SIA interview experience recently...i went 4 the interview on 20th april 2006...but,i have not heard anything from SIA until today...do u guys have any ideas abt this?

this is the thread i posted....


Application ( I went personally to SIA Training Center to hand over my application. But unfortunately, the guards there did not let me in to do so as applicants can only apply through online or via post! Luckily, Mr. R..... (one of the guard there), helped me! Thank god ! He is great ! )


closing date for the application.


I received an e-mail from SIA saying that I have been short-listed by SIA to attend the SIA Cadet Pilot Selection Process.

Preliminary interview.
I went there as early as 11.50am (my interview was at 2.45pm). I faced a panel of 2 interviewers. They were very friendly to me ! I was not nervous or anything !I just faced them as if they were my friends !In fact they advised me to get prepared on the technical specifications of Aircrafts in SIA for the next stage of interview !They took about 25-30 minutes to interview me !
Here are some of the questions they asked me !

1. Why did you quit your biomedical science course? (that’s for my case)
2. What if we do not offer you a position in SIA?(I said i will persue my flying studies in a flying academy and then will apply to SIA to join them)
3. Why did not you join MAS?( i said my preference will always be SIA not any other airlines in this world)
4. Tell us about the Fleets in SIA?
5. Who is the CEO of SIA?
6. They asked about my football performance (i am a state footballer)
7. If you are offered SILKAIR will you accept?(If you say YES ,they will ask you why because SILKAIR is a subsidiary company of SIA)(I said YES and then i said that i will still reapply to SIA after working 8 years for SILKAIR)
8. How does an aircraft fly?
9. If there is a captain vacancy available, and there are two pilots, one Malaysian(the Malaysian they referred was me) and one Singaporean, both pilots are of equal qualification, we (SIA) will offer the Singaporean the captain position! What would be your feelings or what will you do?( i said i will wait for my vacancy)(but, they advised me to show them a better performance than that Singaporean because citizenship will only be considered if both are equal in all ways)

10.As a Malaysian you have to pay back 32,000 dollars to SIA upon completion of your training as a cadet pilot.But Singaporeans have to pay back 16,000 dollars only.This will be done monthly for 8 years after starting from the date of your appointment as a First Officer.What do you think about this?Is it fair?Give your comments on this matter!
11. Do you know how to swim?
12. Do you know how to float in the water?
13. Are you scared of dark?
14. Are you scared of a small place?
15. What are you scared of?( I said I am scared to face the consequence that love gives to a person)
16. When will you be able to join us if you are given a chance to be a pilot for SIA?
17. Have you been on an aircraft before?
18. What is the aircraft and what airlines? (A320, Air Asia etc)
19. How many engines do the aircraft that you took has? (B737=2, B747=4 etc)
These are the questions they asked me...

U know guys,finally they remarked that,im really interested in becoming a SIA PILOT...one of the officer told me that i know more than him abt Mr.Chew Choon Seng(CEO of SIA)...then they advised me to get prepared for the technical specifications on aircrafts in SIA(because they said,i will be facing a panel of interviewers on technical specifications)...then,they also advised me to get my facts about how does and aircraft fly perfectly...because when the asked me the question how does an aircraft fly,i told them about how the lift force is created and how the airplane fly in the air with the help of ailerons,elevators and rudder...the officer told me that it actually fly with the help of thrust and also lift...NOT only lift...Then they wanted me to swim up to 200m and stay afloat in the water for up to 20minutes the next time i come...(i said i will try but the officer told me that DONT TRY but MUST BE ABLE TO)

Then finally they gave me a chance to ask them a question...

i asked them how to practice the APTITUDE or the PSYCHOMOTOR TEST that i will be facing next?
The officer told me that it is not available in the market...only in Malaysia Airlines(MAS)...he advised me to play aircraft & enemy games where u have to follow your enemy...

Then,i asked them for their permission to ask them another question...the officer laughed and said that candidates are allowed to ask only 1 question...but he said for my case,you may ask another question...
I asked,when will i be acknowledge about my result?
They said that they will send me a letter in 2 weeks time...

Finally,i had a firm handshake with 2 of them and said "hope to meet you again SIR"...but they said "you will not be facing us but different people"

im not sure what 2 expect from SIA and most importantly WHEN??????????very confused as i know that some of them r attending their 2nd interview and most have their rejection e-mail already...but,as for my case,there is no reply at all...NOTHING...coz,as the officer said,i should be getting my e-mail in 2 weeks time...now it is 1 month and 11 days already...any ideas guys...or anybody out there in the same situation as me?another thing is i dont have a DEGREE/DIPLOMA...just STPM(=A level)...anybody knows what is going on 4 me in SIA?

31st May 2006, 15:56
Perhaps you should give them a call?

31st May 2006, 20:49
Thanikasalam I have moved every one of your posts about SIA to the Far East and South Asia forum, which is where they belong, but you don't seem to have got the hint. The knowledge in that forum is far more appropriate to your questions. Please take them there.
