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View Full Version : Music Licenses

Hussar 54
30th May 2006, 22:36
Recently had a motherboard give up on my PC, so had the service people loan me a machine while mine was in for repair.

They did a download from my Hard Disk to the the Hard Disk in the loan machine and then ' mashed ' the old disk - well, they said they would.

Anyway, now find that I can't play some of the music in the Windows Media Player on the Loan Machine....specifically some compilation CD's that I made up myself a couple of years ago using a Yamaha CD player/recorder and then loaded on to the Hard Disk so that I didn't need to carry the CD's around with me. Now, when I try to play them, the Media Player ( and the Real Player ) skip these five Albums and start with some more recent stuff I loaded into a different domain but on the same ( old ) Hard Disk which, of course, has now been mashed...and is sitting in Europe, anyway, while I'm down here in not so sunny Nigeria.

Speaking to an IT wallah in a bar this evening, he reckons it's something to do with the Microsoft licensing - that the files can only be read/played on the machine/domain on which they were initially loaded....something to do with stopping piracy of ' purchased ' CD's.

Please - does anyone have any solutions for how to get these files playable once more - no way I can recreate them as many of the tracks were from Albums I had borrowed to specifically make up the compilations.


Buster Cherry
31st May 2006, 01:15
Might have something to do with the lack of Audio codecs on the new system.
This might help.

Rgds/ Buster.