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30th May 2006, 08:09
Anybody know anything about three LAME's getting the bullet from Virgin/Jetcare in Sydney yesterday?

Didn't think that they were over populated with LAME's before yesterday. Anybody know the circumstances behind this action?

30th May 2006, 13:45
Is the FAT controller (aka JM) in a position of hire/fire?

If so it's not the first time he has fired from the hip only to later regret his actions via a higher level of management rebuke, or ultimately create his own fall from grace!

:E :mad:

1st Jun 2006, 06:32
Three LAME`s from Patrick Jetcare Sydney were invited to a meeting with several VirginBlue Engineering Managers at the Brisbane VB hanger.
Whilst attending the meeting they were spotted by a Jetcare Manager (N.S.)who reported their presence to Jetcare Management.
The agenda / purpose for the meeting is unknown and unclear.
The three LAME`s were stood down with pay since Monday 1st May 2006.
The three LAME`s employement was terminated by the Jetcare General Manager claiming they were trying to set up VTech in Sydney on Monday 29th May 2006.
Welcome one and all to AWA`s and their lack of protection.
You can now be sacked due to rumour and assumption alone especially when the paranoid general manager is involved.
The fat controller is in the corner office busy sleeping in his leather recliner or doing the corvette newsletter , situation normal really.

1st Jun 2006, 18:39
Richard Branson said very early in the the now history of VirginBlue that " all my staff are entrepeneurs" or something very similar.

Webster dictionary-

(Polit. Econ.) One who creates a product on his own account; whoever undertakes on his own account an industrial enterprise in which workmen are employed. --F. A. Walker.

Don't Virginblue outsource/subcontract work required?:ok:

2nd Jun 2006, 00:34
Three LAME`s from Patrick Jetcare Sydney were invited to a meeting with several VirginBlue Engineering Managers at the Brisbane VB hanger.
Whilst attending the meeting they were spotted by a Jetcare Manager (N.S.)who reported their presence to Jetcare Management.
The agenda / purpose for the meeting is unknown and unclear.
The three LAME`s were stood down with pay since Monday 1st May 2006.
The three LAME`s employement was terminated by the Jetcare General Manager claiming they were trying to set up VTech in Sydney on Monday 29th May 2006.
Welcome one and all to AWA`s and their lack of protection.
You can now be sacked due to rumour and assumption alone especially when the paranoid general manager is involved.
The fat controller is in the corner office busy sleeping in his leather recliner or doing the corvette newsletter , situation normal really.

If that's what's happened, Patrick Jetcare have done something absolutely stupid. I hope for the LAMEs that Virgin comes through for them. To me Patrick have acted pretty dodgy there, AWA or no AWA.

26th Jul 2006, 11:27
In light of recent events it might seem that the 3 LAME's sacked based on the GM's fear and paranoia was justified. He has issued a staff memo indicating surprise and concern regarding an advertisement on the VB website seeking a Finance Manager to oversee the acquisition of Jetcare by VT. Maybe the 3 terminated LAME's were onto or a part of something to assist VB initiate long awaited changes to maintenance provision??? and the ball is rolling!!!!VB will get their way because they are the customer.:ok:

soldier of fortune
26th Jul 2006, 22:32
i hope vt take over jc - jc are dodgy outfit- and i am not talking about the lame's or ame's working for them they are a:ugh: good bunch of guys -its the s:mad: thouse mangement with the likes of sorrensen and co who have no idea what they are doing. its only a matter of time- :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

soldier of fortune
27th Jul 2006, 02:51
i meant the lame's in syd :ok:

7th Aug 2006, 00:12
Any news on the lastest twist, vt to takeover jetcare?

20th Aug 2006, 06:47
The sooner that VB takes over JC and cans the crowd at the top and installs some senior managers who can manage an operation that is customer orientated and who can look after its own staff with out resorting to childish and petty actions as punishments then the sooner VB will be able to lead a healthy and safe and succesfull life in OZ.
JC has for the most part been an integral part of VBs rise in OZ, it has also been one of the restrictions as well. Any of the LAMES in JC can tell you that they have in the past voiced concerns about staffing levels at line operations, this being an obligation of JC to provide contractually. But the bullish attitudes of those at the tops chose to ignore and instead kept the staff levels down, profits up and work load and safety issues for the LAME increased. This was where VT came into the picture and all the power to them as well, so down with JC, up with VT, come on mergers can happen and for the industry and the travelling public it would be a good thing in this case.
RETIREMENT would be too easy and cosy for ousted JC senior, any safe suggestions out there?????:8 :8