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EC Does It
29th May 2006, 19:09
Anyone remember the BBC series "Fighter Pilot"? Think it was on TV in about 80/81 and was a huge influence on my decision to try for a career as a pilot. Is it available on VHS/DVD? Missed the last episode as my Dad was going away to 72 for two years.

Safe and happy flying,ECDI.

Sven Sixtoo
29th May 2006, 19:39
I was in it, just.
It followed a bunch through Henlow to Linton, Valley and on to Brawdy, OCU and the front line.
I went through Cranwell and joined the same course at Linton, then went Valley, Lossie (2 TWU) and on. My photo can be seen in the book of the film peering intently at the innards of a Viper engine at Linton, Apr 1979.
I believe the only guy who made it all the way through the path the film crew followed to the the FJ front line was Rob McRea, who went on to fly Buccs in GWI, not sure where he went thereafter (so technically no fighter pilots!).
There is a VHS video of the whole series somewhere.

29th May 2006, 19:44
I've got the book sat on my shelf! :) Had a huge influence on me too, but a dodgy eye stopped my aircrew ambitions. RN ATCO was as near as I got. :ouch:

I seem to remeber that Mr McRea was an ex-corporal or similar.

EC Does It
29th May 2006, 19:57

Eventually got to fly professionally (not long since paid the bank back!) so as an advertisement surely the RAF had its moneys worth on the recruitment side. Story goes... OASC,IOTC,Swinderby,Linton........chopped. Bugger.

At least I tried and will never have to think "If only......"

Maybe the RAF were right as i can still remember most of the names-John,Rod,Alastair etc. Does that make me an anorak or just hooked on all things airborne?

Any idea where i could get hold of a copy? Sunny Spain is just that....Sunny. But cr&p for ADSL and comms so have given up trying hence the post.

Cheers for the repuesta,ECDI.

Pontius Navigator
29th May 2006, 20:25
And their airships went ballistic with the preceived message. Insisted that all first tourists live in for first x months, learn service ethos, not 9-5 job etc etc.

You all prove they were dead wrong:)

Sven Sixtoo
29th May 2006, 21:00
You are right
A very senior officer turned up one day, and we (XX course at Linton) sat him down in the crewroom with coffee in a chipped mug and told him what we thought (Basically it's marvellous but we are all a bit on edge because job security is a bit thin and dependent on passing the next check).
He went back to MoD and told his boss that we were all dead positive and we were being filmed. Boss duly arranged to turn up for a visit. During visit someone asked on camera "why haven't we had any leave?" (the TV victims had been rushed through leaving one unit Friday starting the next unit Monday with no breaks between courses and hadn't had any time off in a year and were all knackered). There was a major row involving a VERY senior officer, the CFI, and the SMO. Funny old thing, next week we were all ORDERED on leave for a week.

29th May 2006, 21:16
John McRae - he was a milkman not a corporal. Last seen at Cranwell.

29th May 2006, 21:38
During my time at 6 FTS at Finningley, as a LLTS (Low Level Training Squadron), instructor I had the oportunity (as an ex Vulcan Nav Radar) to actually fly in a decent FJ at Honnington. On 12th Oct 1981, young Mr McRea was on one of his last Bucc OP phase sorties, if I remember, and was to lead a pair against a Hunter TMk 8C flown by the leg-end himself Kirbs:ok: . "We'll fly the opposite to his route, at medium level, and when you see him tell me and we will let down and tap him". Fair enough thinks I, trying not to be sick at this stage, when just then, about 12k below us I, flukely, happened to spot a shadow. " Nine O'clock low" says the steely eyed Nav radar "got him says Kirbs and in about five seconds flat Mcrea and his mate were toast; passed the trip and went to RAFG I think. What fine sport that was. No idea where John is now perhaps Foldingwings might know?
I was also the LLTS course commander for Robbie Lowe, who was the long haired ex-milkman/postman (I can never remember which). Robbie was unfortunatly chopped from the Canberra OCU for struggling with night assymetric approaches (fortunate really considering the number of fatalities doing just that both before and after his time). Instead of restreaming him for ME the RAF, in its wisdom, sent him to Finningley. He turned out to be an outstanding student who eventually went on to command No 31 Sqn at Bruggen. He is, I believe, still flying the "Fin" at Lossiemouth.

Flt Lt Spry
29th May 2006, 21:45
I thought that Robbie was an ex-nurse? His bedside manner is first class...

29th May 2006, 22:32
By the way does anybody know if combat pilot is coming back for a 2nd series-loved it and it gave me a real insight into why i want to join the raf.

Speed Twelve
29th May 2006, 23:43
John McCrea is still in the RAF, but is usually to be found flying German aircraft these days.

Glass Half Empty
11th Jun 2006, 21:31
from the original question, anyone got a set of videos?

11th Jun 2006, 21:45
Maybe you could get hold of them thro' the BBC shop?

I met "Rod Smart" from the TV series at Leuchars sometime in the mid 1980's.

If I recall correctly he started off as FJ IOT and was then recoursed, became a Nav on Canberras at the point I met him.

The original TV series was an inspiration for all wannabee fighter jocks of my generation.

11th Jun 2006, 22:04
I've heard a TV series is currently being made following guys going through 15 Sqn GR4 OCU?

I think its called "Jet Set".

11th Jun 2006, 22:12
It'll probably make a few older blokes cringe but... 'I remember watching that as a kid!'

12th Jun 2006, 14:23
Weren't we all banned from travelling to work from off-base in flying suits for a while as a result of 'Fighter Pilot'?:confused:

Pontius Navigator
12th Jun 2006, 15:29
Yes and it gave some delightful contradictions.

People rushing in to work in Blues to change into NBC kit in the bushes by the back gate so as to appear on the sqn correctly dressed.

Or arriving in flying suit for a scramble and later being told not to do it again: that on my last day on the sqn.