View Full Version : Eazyjet Menzies LPL

28th May 2006, 10:45
what is the likelyhood of Menzies taking over Eazyjet at LPL as they have done at several other airports around Britain in recent times, and what could be the effect on the other handling agents at LPL, especially servisair, who currently carry the mantle, and when will the time come that handling agents generally accross the board are going to cease this suicidal policy of continually undercutting each other, and really scraping the very bottom of the barrel. Isn't it time for the Handling Agents to present a united front to the airlines, who seem happy, (despite the pretence of insisting on minimum standards of service) to accept the very cheapest price(knowing that you get what you pay for and that therefore if you pay nothing, you get nothing).

Many of these airlines prattle on about service delivery standards etc, when the only thing that really matters to them is How much does it cost? why dont they just come clean and tell the truth (something that seems to be in short supply.)

I remember that an unnamed handling agent at LPL once had the best on time performance in the whole country for one of the large carriers it handled, and they prattled on about this, but when the contract came up for review, this mattered not one jot and they gave the contract to a competative handling agent, who were cheaper, and then had the nerve to complain about how bad the handling was when they had taken the decision to give it too them, knowing that they couldnt afford to provide the equipment and staff required to give a good service.

Isnt it time therefore to play the airlines at there own game, you charge a lot and we will charge a lot and the only alternatives will charge a lot too, from that point on you can get quality handling, with dedicated well paid staff using good equipment, better performance for customer airlines, less accidents and more proffits, and people who want to fly with that airline due to a good experience.

No doubt this is a controversial statement, and there will be a lot of airline bods who dont like it, well you had your say for a long time and the Handling Industry is in crisis as a result.

03 headset man
28th May 2006, 11:14
who really cares what happens at liverpool i work there and cant wait untill netto buy the land
rip buffy

28th May 2006, 14:36
So you'll be able to go to Netto without leaving work, ASDA will go bust

03 headset man
28th May 2006, 20:30
ryanair wanted to charge 692 pounds returrn for 2 people to dublin from liverpool plus baggage what a rip off ant thoughts

29th May 2006, 10:07
Are you sure it wasn't £6.92 each?????:}

03 headset man
29th May 2006, 16:39
i can assure you it was 692.84p plus a tenner for bags and then a credit card fee i had to fly out of blackpool for 88 pound return and i only live a mile from the liverpool airport. how can ryanair justify charging those prices,:cool:

29th May 2006, 20:23
easyjets contract with servisair is up for renewal in september and only rumours at the moment about menzies going to lpl.

30th May 2006, 17:44
It will be interesting, to see, I guess the staff might have to suffer the same anguish they all had 3 years ago when it passed from Aviance to the circus, all move around again.

31st May 2006, 17:52


03 headset man
2nd Jun 2006, 04:44
thats aviation for you the circus undercuts everbody to get contracts then cant saitisfy the customer and after 3 years loses the contract and everyone has to swop uniforms again when are they going to learn we dont like the circus
long live buffy:{

2nd Jun 2006, 16:40
Maybe it could shake things up a bit, get the ball rolling, on the other hand maybe we need to put the old team back together, to create an Elite force of THE BEST, rebuild the A team so to say, they know who they are, the cream of the crop.

6th Jun 2006, 17:14
Is is my imagination or are the so called budget airlines beginingto sneak their fares up via the back door, and what effects in the long run will this have on carriers like Easyjet and Ryan Scare! and what therefore may happen at the airports that support them, along with handling agents etc, are we seeing the bottom falling out of the no frills market?

8th Jun 2006, 10:35
Easyjet and Ryanair ARE budget airlines......if the bottom is falling out, how come Easy are starting four new routes out of BRS soon? Krakow, Toulouse, La Rochelle and Rijeka. Boom time here......

25th Jun 2006, 10:15
:ok: Every1 at servisair lpl is praying that menzies take over and we lose the contract. Easyjet are unfairly treated and always come second best to ryanair. God knows why as easyjet pay more for their handling!! Servisair is an absolute shambles, the management is appauling. Although how they actually got their managerial jobs would be a good story for a film!! The ground staff are over worked and underpaid and we feel that maybe menzies (The Big Orange Handling Group) would be better to work for (can't get any worse). FINGERS CROSSED GUYS!!! WON'T BE LONG NOW!!

Buster Cherry
25th Jun 2006, 18:15
Empathise with what goes on at handling agents & some good, valid points made (worked at one for a number of years). However, It is all too easy to blame management. With this kind of defeatest attitude, It is no wonder the majority of hard working, concientious employees of said agents get p**sed off when no respect is given to their efforts & contracts are lost due to the small minority with an axe to grind screw it up for those who actually take pride in what they do for a living by deliberately cocking things up to prove a point to management.
For god`s sake, grow up, If these contracts were not in the hands of your employers, you would, without doubt, be flipping burgers for a living.

25th Jun 2006, 19:47
Flipping Burgers eh? Probably be better paid

26th Jun 2006, 13:01
FRMary: so much negativity! What would you do differently if you were a manager then? You seem to know it all.....that is if you still have a job when, as you say, Menzies take over. If I was Menzies I wouldn't employ you with that kind of attitude! :ugh:

27th Jun 2006, 23:21
Being blind as well as deaf to the well meaning advice of people who have worked with Easy Jet and at LPL since it started is hardly a good starting point either, the attitude of do it our way, when everybody already knows better than you hardly looks good on a CV does it. But everybodys job is important, not just yours

30th Jun 2006, 23:59
Redfield, just a query, but have you ever heard of the Napoleon Syndrome? why do you have to put a bloke down, just because he is dissatisfied at work, did it occur to you that there might be a reason.
Is it not a good ideal to strive towards to bring common cause between worker and Manager, to the mutual benifit of all, isnt that why a leader is paid more, so that he will lead.

It is a bad manager who leads from a back office, so that no one will myther him, a leader is a man who takes the bull by the horns when the going gets tough, who helps his men when they need help, not just say thats the way it is, and if you dont like it bugger off.

Attitude is not intrinsic in a person, it develops as a result of experience.
Maybe you need to check yours, maybe not, if you are happy with it take it out to dinner.

1st Jul 2006, 20:38
Revolutionarry: You have totally misunderstood my post. A few things:
1) I'm not putting FRMary down. He DOES have a negative attitude, which is why I mentioned it; he clearly stated that he WANTS to lose the contract and thinks that the management is appalling (well appauling actually, close enough:p ), and I simply asked him a question, which, incidentally, hasn't been answered.
2) My statement re. not emplying FRMary is my opinion based on what was said, and I stick by it. If someone isn't happy at work, they should do something about it, don't spend the whole day moaning and whinging about it and making destructive comments on a public website.
3) Of course it's a good idea to encourage common sense between workers and managers. This is exactly what I'm trying to do at my work. But with FRMary's attitude, but how would you propose to convert him/her to this way of thinking?
4) I agree with you about what constitutes a bad manager. That's why I'm nothing like this. Does this mean that I buck the trend withing handling agents?
5) I agree with you about people's attitudes developing through experience. See 4) above. And there's certainly nothing wrong with mine towards anything. Where you got this idea from remains a mystery.

Finally, I agree with you on what you said in your original posting on this thread. Ailrines can't expect a top quality service if they only pay the bare minimum to get it. :ok:

2nd Jul 2006, 11:44
Lets face it redfield, an open forum like pprune, exists for many reasons, one of those reasons is that it gives a voice to people who are dissatisfied or who are not happy about something, and in a free country where freedom of speech and thought is supposed to exist then great, people who cant deal with that need to go and live in China or Iran or dare I say The United States of America.
Also I would like to say that very often the job of operations/Traffic officer is a thankless one, nobody praises you when you do something good, nobody cares and very often people who do this job work at all times of the day and night seven days a week, in all weathers, usually loads of overtime, doing whatever they can think of to get a/c's out on time, sometimes a simple "thanks very much for your efforts" is all that is required, that can go a long way, and people forget to do this. How was you dinner?