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View Full Version : fly as i earn or buy in bulk?

21st May 2006, 21:29
Need some help in makin a decision so any thoughts will be much appreciated.

I've got about 2 months of ATPL studies left(thank god!:ok: ) and i'm not sure which way to go next.
I got my PPL last year & currently only have 50 hrs so consequently i'm needing a few more b4 i can go any further in my training.

What i can't decide is whether to fork out on a loan & buy 100 hrs at some flight school in the US or S.A, in which case i'm gonna have an extra 7/8 grand on top of the loan i'll need 4 my commercial/IR,


should i take my time, move somewhere like spain, get a job & fly a couple of hrs a week as i earn the money to pay for it????

I know the latter seems the sensible option but when ur desperate t get something done sense tends to go out the window!

Staying in britain isn't an option, desperate to leave & the flying's too expensive anyway!

Any thoughts on this thread'll be much appreciated altho i understand if you've all fallen asleep havin read it.:zzz:
